Colored Fill Flash

Any suggestions on using the colored gels that come with the sb800? I do a lot of indoor photography where the lighting color is no where near the flash color. I use a diffuser but really dislike the bluish tones I sometimes get. It is especially bad when I'm shooting a band or musician on stage as the lighting is from sets of cans with gels on them. I'd rather use no flash but cant find a good f1 lens.:rofl
For stage lighting, if you set your camera white-balance to 3400K (or shoot RAW) and filter your flash to the same, you can probably mix the two light sources fairly well.
Otherwise, just get a fast lens, high ISO, and shoot away.
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How this technique will apply to shooting concerts I'm not sure. The gelled stage lighting may not match up well with standard corrective gel colors (i.e. CTO and CTB gels). But, if you're generally getting a blue, cool cast in your subjects, you should consider giving CTO gels a shot to warm things up a bit.
A little sideways on this topic, but a clever tip a photojournalist once taught me:
To quickly warm up an image without putting gels on your flash...lift the flash into a bounce position, hold you camera with one hand, and hold your other hand at a 45-degree (approx) angle to the bounced other words bounce the flash off the palm of your hand. The result is that the flash is nicely warmed by the skin/blood of your hand.
I've used it back in the old days of film to counter the effects of cool lighting when I didn't have any filtration with me or didn't have the time to attach it.
- Gary.