Astrophotography -=- The Moon
So, I've always been interested in astronomy and astrophysics.
With what gear I have, I was able to nab a good shot of the moot with a 500mm prime with a 2x adapter and taking the APS-C multiplier into account it's a 1600mm prime shot. At the time, I was using a tiny 18" tripod on the top of my car and my camera with the lense, even using the lense mount on the pod, the 2x adapter unbalanced it greatly so this is semi handheld.
One of the key factors for this shot was that it was absolutely freezing outside, i think it was about 14F. This is great for digital cameras(so long as they're cooled and warmed slowly) because the heating up of the sensor causes the digital noise noticed when taking pics at high ISO speed. My sensor stayed nice and cool for this shot, keeping the noise at an ISO100 kind of minimum.
Shot at iso3200(if I remember correctly)
With what gear I have, I was able to nab a good shot of the moot with a 500mm prime with a 2x adapter and taking the APS-C multiplier into account it's a 1600mm prime shot. At the time, I was using a tiny 18" tripod on the top of my car and my camera with the lense, even using the lense mount on the pod, the 2x adapter unbalanced it greatly so this is semi handheld.
One of the key factors for this shot was that it was absolutely freezing outside, i think it was about 14F. This is great for digital cameras(so long as they're cooled and warmed slowly) because the heating up of the sensor causes the digital noise noticed when taking pics at high ISO speed. My sensor stayed nice and cool for this shot, keeping the noise at an ISO100 kind of minimum.
Shot at iso3200(if I remember correctly)

Modus Imagery
Moving away from photography and into cinema. PM me if you have questions about DSLR workflow or production questions.
Film Reel:
Moving away from photography and into cinema. PM me if you have questions about DSLR workflow or production questions.
Film Reel:
Nikon D700 x2/D300
Nikon 70-200 2.8/50 1.8/85 1.8/14.24 2.8
What color are the seeds? ¯\(°_o)/¯
Moving away from photography and into cinema. PM me if you have questions about DSLR workflow or production questions.
Film Reel:
I dream things that never were and say
"Why Not?"
Actually, I do mind. It's generally not welcome to just up and edit someone's photo without first asking. That's like walking up to someone and "fixing" their painting. You're more than welcome to suggest and if I don't feel it's something I can do, or I wish an example then that would be the time I'd invite you to edit one of my photos. Until which point, don't touch my artwork.
Moving away from photography and into cinema. PM me if you have questions about DSLR workflow or production questions.
Film Reel:
Why did you shoot this at ISO 3200??
You will have sharper, less noisy images with ISO 100. The moon is a sun-lit object - it is rather bright and you do not need extremely high ISO's to capture it.
I have posted numerous shots at ISO 100 with DSLRs and Point and SHoots as well..... Typical exposure should run within a stop of f11, 1/200th sec or so at ISO 100 or maybe 200.
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
Because, as noted in my original post, it's nearly hand-held using a really flimsy 18" tripod on the top of my car with a really heavy and unbalanced lens (f/8 mind you). I didn't have the steadiness to shoot at 100. Believe me, I know all about noise. But you don't exactly see a lot of it in my image.
Moving away from photography and into cinema. PM me if you have questions about DSLR workflow or production questions.
Film Reel:
I dream things that never were and say
"Why Not?"
This was a good post on shooting the moon, have a look
It's kewl man, just keep that in mind, I'm not the only person who gets bent about that.
Nuff bout that. So... How does unsharp mask work anyway? can you show me? or link me to a tute? I'm not real sure how that works. Thanks, bro.
Moving away from photography and into cinema. PM me if you have questions about DSLR workflow or production questions.
Film Reel:
Also, while cold is good for CCD noise in digital cameras, it's really craptastic to battery life. I've had a few night shots ruined by suddenly foreshortened battery life, because the battery won't last as long while it's cold.
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