Copying pics from another persons gallery
Is this possible? My son graduated last week and my sister took all the pics. She has uploaded all of them to her smugmug site, and I would like to copy all of them to a gallery on my site as my friends will be looking for them there. If this is not possible (there are over 100), can I link to her site somehow so my friends can see the pics?
Any help would be great!
Any help would be great!
1) Bulk-download the pictures, and re-upload them to your account
2) Ask your sister to upload the photos to your account
3) Link to your sister's gallery in the description field of one of your galleries
4) (Requires Power/Pro account) set up a gallery redirect from one of your galleries to your sister's gallery
5) (Requires Power/Pro account) set up an html-only gallery directing people to your sister's gallery
I've used a "link" on occassion... but have never set up a "redirect". I assume there's a technical difference between them. Can you explain, and perhaps show how to set up a gallery redirect for a Power account (is there a how-to or a tutorial explanation somewhere in the SmugMug HELP already?)?
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I just want the simplest way to do it! I am a power user and dont see a tutorial or help anywhere. I was not aware she could upload those to my account....doesnt she have to have my login and password? Is it as easy as that?
Hi was simply PBolchover's reply to Okiediver's original query that prompted me to ask what the difference is between "linking" and "redirecting". I don't have a specific issue I'm trying to address...just curious about the differences (if any) between the two, so I can use the "better option" when the need arises in the future.
If I know, for example, that Saurora has a gallery on her site that visitors to my site would enjoy viewing (and I have Saurora's permission to "send" visitors from my site to hers), I already know how to do that by embedding a link on my site within a caption, for example.
But PBolchover's reply seemed to suggest that a "redirect" might be a different approach to achieve the same end. Is it really a different approach, or is it just a "link" by another name?
Potential uses:
* Including a gallery in more than one category
* Including a gallery as a "keyword" search
* Including a keyword search in a category (as if it were a gallery)
* Displaying sub-categories and galleries together
* Including submap links within a category
* Linking to external sites, as if they were a category
* Linking to someone else's gallery, as if it were one of your own
* Featuring a category, sub-category, keyword search, "recent pictures search", a smugmap, or even a non-smugmug page
* Having keyword searches redirect to a gallery / smugmug
* Having one keyword redirect to another
* Having one keyword redirect to a multiple keyword search (e.g. a search for "claire" would redirect to a search for "good" + "claire")
For more details, see this post
Paul....that's a lot of info for me to chew on...much appreciated, though. It's a bit overwhelming at first glance, but I suspect once I dig down into the details, I'll start to "get it". Thanks for the "redirect" to your site. I'm sure the live examples will be helpful.