HUGE Request
Here’s the dilemma, I have a few freelance photographers working with me and we all post our pictures into the same galleries. The only way I can track their sales and pay them is by going to the sales page, looking at each order and manually entering the file name, amount, size, etc. into a spreadsheet then generating a report from that.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p>
I see where there are ways to get the gallery data in a CSV file for import and I just found SE which I hope will resolve upload issues but if someone can figure out how to automate sales tracking I would be greatly appreciative.<o:p></o:p>
If anyone has used the Pro Gallery at Shutterfly and seen the sales reports, that is what I'm hoping for.
Thanks in advance,
I see where there are ways to get the gallery data in a CSV file for import and I just found SE which I hope will resolve upload issues but if someone can figure out how to automate sales tracking I would be greatly appreciative.<o:p></o:p>
If anyone has used the Pro Gallery at Shutterfly and seen the sales reports, that is what I'm hoping for.
Thanks in advance,
AFAIK there is no easy way to say who uploaded what, at least there is not enough data surfaced at API level. The only thing is to guesstimate the source by the timestamp, which you already do and which is far from convenient..
I don't have immediate solution for you app-wise, but I think I have a workflow idea.
You dedicate a category for each person working for you. You/they create hidden/private galleries, they do upload. Once files are uploaded you can easily modify the keywords/etc and move them to you public galleries. Images will be already tagged, so you won't lose the track of "who's who".
Other than that - keep the faith, SE will help you (a lot of things in the plans, reporting/charting/stats analysis, etc), just not tomorrow..:)
<TABLE cellSpacing=10 width=760 align=center border=0><TBODY><TR><TD width=100>photo</TD><TD>product</TD><TD>quantity</TD><TD>smugmug</TD><TD>yours</TD><TD>profit</TD><TD width=150>date</TD><TD>status</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
of course the file name rather than a thumb. As it is now I have to click on the thumb, get the file name, paste it into excel, copy the text (product, quantity, etc, paste that into excel, go to the main order page, get the order number, paste that, get the e-mail address, paste that....and so on.
We track pictures by file name so that's not so much the issue as just getting the information into one location.
I started using SM a few months ago and this is my biggest challenge.
.. are
- to parse the sales report HTML (aka "screen scraping", "creative browsing", etc.)
- ask SM to run a simple SQL query against your data in the database and send you a report in PDF/XLS/CSV/TXT/XML format (maybe for a small fee)
All the other options would require additional custom APIs, which I doubt gonna happen any time soon..:-( Will be happy to be wrong:-)HTH