HTML in journal caption disappears?!
I am going INSANE!!!
I keep adding the following HTML for a simple mail form to a caption in a journal gallery:
Also, when this happens, I get an extra 'save' and 'cancel' button below the form (which I can not get to go away), the 'submit' button appears to be outside my form, and the following journal_entry appears all tweaked.
Heeeeeellllppp meeee, pleeeaassee!
Thanks in advance,
I keep adding the following HTML for a simple mail form to a caption in a journal gallery:
<html><div class="tmp_cap_container"><div class="tmp_journal_cap tmp_journal_left"><p style="font-size:x-large;color:#09f;">Contact Us:</p> <form method="POST" name="mailform" target="formtarget" action=""> <p>Name: <input type="text" name="Name" size="40"></p> <p>Phone: <input type="text" name="Phone" size="40"></p> <p>Email: <input type="text" name="Email" size="40"></p> <p>Type Of Session: <select size="1" name="Session"> <option selected value="Choose One">Choose One</option> <option>Wedding</option> <option>Portraits</option> <option>Commercial</option> <option>Artistic</option> <option>Action</option> <option>Pets</option> <option>Other</option> </select></p> <p>Comments: <br> <textarea rows="6" name="Comments" cols="50"></textarea></p> <p><input type="submit" value="Submit" name="B1"></p> </form> </div></div></html>and yet, when I go back in to make changes, 3 out of four times or more, the code is truncated just before the closing </textarea> tag, which sends my page into a tailspin. What is going on that I ma missing?
Also, when this happens, I get an extra 'save' and 'cancel' button below the form (which I can not get to go away), the 'submit' button appears to be outside my form, and the following journal_entry appears all tweaked.
Heeeeeellllppp meeee, pleeeaassee!
Thanks in advance,
notepad and then into the page. Are you using a word processor that
maybe adding bad characters or control codes?
My Website index | My Blog
...after all the headaches, I copied into Notepad, then removed all the extra formatting stuff to get down to the raw bits, so it's all either DreamWeaver or Notepad...
My Website index | My Blog
and the problem is in editing the caption that includes the Contact Us form about half way down.
Thanks, again, for looking into this on a Saturday night...
With lots of HTML the AJAX caption editor I think sometimes doesn't show all the content, but you can easily check with the traditional caption editor if all code is there. Just use the 'photo tools' drop down menu below the photo and select 'edit this caption/keywords'. Then the page will reload and show you the old editor where all code should be as you set it. If it's not just correct it there once.
Hope this helps,
SmugMug Support Hero
Aaaahhh! If only it were that easy! I created a journal entry and used the following code in the caption: Just to be sure, I tried it with both editors: I copied this code in, hit 'save' and then immediately hit 'edit' again. Regardless of where I did this, the </textarea> tag and everything after it vanishes. It seems to save it properly to the page (as viewing the page source shows), but any attempt to edit it gobbles up the end of my form and anything after it.
I was going to submit a new SmugBug, but I had no idea who to assign it to and was a bit fuzzy on the milestone and severity fields.
you nailed it. It's actually already the opening textarea-tag that messes with the site. Somehow the smugmug filter doesn't work there and messes u the page which is definately a bug. Also both methods to enter captions now seem to work with AJAX and therefore are affected by this bug.
Yeah, the bugreporter looks kind of complicated. What you don't know you just leave at default, like the assigned person or milestone (I used Site for my bugreport so far). If you don't feel comfortable with it you can also still use the Bug Report thread.
SmugMug Support Hero
Do you have any idea what is a reasonable expectation in terms of turnaround on such a bug? I imagine this will affect the editing of all forms that include textarea elements, so I would think I am not alone in being affected by this. It looks like SmugMug has a weekly update window, but is something like this considered a low or high priority? And is 4 weeks typical? 12 weeks? 1 week?
I just need to know when to start throwing a hissy fit.
I wish I could give you better answear, but I guess we'll have to wait and see.
SmugMug Support Hero
I don't mind waiting my turn, like everyone else. Just wanted to know what to expect. Sounds pretty typical, though: there always seems to be a higher priority bug so the low priority ones almost never make it to the top of the list. Oh well...