Off topic: Checking In

I know I haven't been a part of this community for too long, but I feel at home here and miss you guys. My oldest daughter was admitted to the hospital last Tuesday night and I've been...ah... preoccupied with her care. She's going to be okay but we might be there another four days.
On the way to the ambulance, I grabbed my camera. This is a direct result from my participation in this forum and in this challenge. My outlook on the world has changed and I see the power in documenting both the beautiful and the scary, I see how I can tell my story in pictures in a new way. Not only that, I'm learning so much here that I was able to use some new techniques to capture what I was seeing more effectively.
Also, I instinctively knew we will need these images to process the events as a family. The daughter who is sick is also hard of hearing and sometimes has language issues. These images will enable her to connect her experience to something visual, I hope.
I want to thank you for inspiring my heart to take risks and look at the world with new eyes. Even if I never even place in this challenge, I've won.
Click to see her hospital images. Nothing is graphic.
On the way to the ambulance, I grabbed my camera. This is a direct result from my participation in this forum and in this challenge. My outlook on the world has changed and I see the power in documenting both the beautiful and the scary, I see how I can tell my story in pictures in a new way. Not only that, I'm learning so much here that I was able to use some new techniques to capture what I was seeing more effectively.
Also, I instinctively knew we will need these images to process the events as a family. The daughter who is sick is also hard of hearing and sometimes has language issues. These images will enable her to connect her experience to something visual, I hope.
I want to thank you for inspiring my heart to take risks and look at the world with new eyes. Even if I never even place in this challenge, I've won.
Click to see her hospital images. Nothing is graphic.
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God bless,
Comments and constructive critique always welcome!
Elaine Heasley Photography
I cannot imagine what you are going through! I hope the recovery is swift and complete and that she will be back to her normal self quickly. I imagine these have been a very long 4 days for both of you, and the rest of your family! The photos are absolutely stunning. You somehow have managed to capture some amazing shots in the middle of a crisis. I agree with you that these shots will be helpful in her being able to grasp what has happened to her. Bless your heart for being clear-headed enough to do this! My heart goes out to you.
God Bless you Both!
Thank you so much for sharing. As a mother of 2 young girls, I can only imagine what you are going through. My 1 year old had to have a CT scan last week (all is fine, thank God), and the few hours of worry alone had me totally wiped out.
You are in my thoughts and prayers. Thank you for the images. They truly do tell a story and are beautiful. You've captured this event in her life that is priceless by taking a scary situation and shown a positive side.
You done good, Indiegirl. And not just with the pictures. Let us know what you need.
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I truly hope that all is well. Nice photos, and I hope that your beautiful daughter has fully recovered.
Thanks for sharing,
I have seen professional coverage of like evnets and your photos could intermix with theirs without the viewer being aware of the change. Well done! I hope for a speedy recovery, and that you keep your camera at the ready!
"Failure is feedback. And feedback is the breakfast of champions." - fortune cookie
Please add my wishes for a fast and complete recovery for your daughter to everyone else's.
I'm so glad you had the presence of mind to grab your camera on your way out of the house. What an amazing journal of your daughter's hospital stay! I'm sure that you will both be glad to have these photos.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
"A photograph is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you, the less you know." Diane Arbus
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your daughter. I am hoping for the best and fastest and most complete recovery.
Moderator of the Cameras and Accessories forums
50mm 1.4, 85mm 1.8, 24-70 2.8L, 35mm 1.4L, 135mm f2L
ST-E2 Transmitter + (3) 580 EXII + radio poppers
As far as your gallery , very good , very touching, and it let's others share in your daughters' direction of getting better .
Thank you so much for sharing your story , and I only wish the best for your daughter and yourself .
Being a father of 3 , I know what you must have been feeling in the ambulance . And for the strength to take pictures of the ordeal , major respect from me .
Great captures...very emotional journey from ambulance ride to feeling of pain to high spirits with clowns to the prolonging feeling of more time recovering...
Lenses: Nikkor 50mm f/1.8, Nikkor 17-80mm f/3.5-4, Nikkor 70-300mm f/3.5-5.6, Lensbaby 2.0
Accessories: Nikon SB-800, (2X) Old Flash Units, (4X) Poverty Wizards, GF Lightsphere, (3X) Lightstand and umbrella, Sandisk Extreme III 4.0 GB, Sandisk Ultra II 2.0 GB, Transcend 1.0 GB
Excellent write-up and thank you for sharing. Please continue to post the pictures of her speedy recovery!
The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork. Psalms 19:1
We now need to not destroy it and capture its beauty for all to behold.
my best wishes to you and fastest recovery to your daughter!
I hope your daughter has a speedy recovery. The pictures are wonderful, thank you for sharing.
Website: Tom Price Photography
Blog: Capturing Photons
Facebook: Tom Price Photography
Your personal needs, feelings, and talents are becoming part of a growing legend; I know your camera brought much release to our community with your family's plight.
And, like you, taking the camera is becoming 2nd nature; sorry you don't feel you can create a photo, but it is abundantly clear from the responses I read that you have earned some very deeply heartfelt reactions.
OK, Jesse, remember - MacArthur said, "I shall return..."
which means IndieGirl is gonna be back as well, eh?
[FONT="]As You Think, So Shall You BE... Rumi, 13th Century Persian Poet
Award-Winning Photography, Workshop Instructor, Storyteller, Writer
[/FONT][FONT="]Blog: [/FONT][FONT="]Pathways of Light[/FONT]
[FONT="] Workshops: Creating Fine Art Magic[/FONT][FONT="]
Book: Paths of Light [/FONT]
[FONT="]Workshops: 2011 Lightroom 3 Workshops
[/FONT][FONT="]Galleries, Bisti Art
I too extend my best wishes to your daughter, you, and your family. I loved looking through your photos. You are capturing it all beautifully. I think it was wonderful for you to document this experience this way. Not only will it add to her feeling loved, I think it will also help her process all that she went through. I bet she'll appreciate seeing these years down the road. Thanks for sharing this.
This summer's wilderness photography project:
You did a wonderful job capturing the emotions, the difficult time and the humor, as well.
I will be keeping your daughter in my heart for a quick recovery.
Thank you for sharing!
Like everyone else I want to reach out and wish you and your family the very best during this time.
Your images and words are very powerfull.
Aaron Newman
Facebook: Capturing Light and Emotion
The photos were surprisingly emotional.
Best wishes
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky
Wow Jesse what an emotional roller coaster ride for all of you
When kids get sick they often go down hill real fast.
I'm glad to hear your daughter is recovering and you can all breathe again.
She was braver than me that's for sure, ohhh I can work in a hospital, but not be a patient, no siree, I totally go to pieces at the thought of being a patient.
Your series is amazing, you photographed it like a documentary, only the difference was you took it through the eyes of a mother
An excellent record of an unpleasant event in your lives.
Thinking of you and your family, she'll be bouncing off the wall in no time
Skippy (Australia) - Moderator of "HOLY MACRO" and "OTHER COOL SHOTS"
:skippy Everyone has the right to be stupid, but some people just abuse the privilege :dgrin
I hope all is going well and that you continue to improve. Get well soon!
It's kinda cool that your mom had a chance to take some pictures and
can share them with you when you feel better.
Your documentation of the situation is both heart wrenching and heart warming when you see those smiles. She is a brave girl and you are a brave family.....that is the most difficult situation for parents...a sick child....happy for you it is only 2 more days
You were so spot on when you said "I know I haven't been a part of this community for too long, but I feel at home here and miss you guys."...these responses show what a loving, caring community we all have here in Dgrin!!
Best wishes and our thoughts are with you,
"Look, I'm not an intellectual - I just take photographs." -- Helmut Newton
My best wishes for you and your family,
and a speedy recovery.
Your documentation of the ordeal is downright amazing.
Thanks for sharing.