Quick Question About Skin Tones?

I did some shoots over the weekend and I can't seem to get the skin tones right at least according to several monitors. On my laptop this picture looks good

And then on my home computer it looks too red
Then I redid it and reduced the red and came up with this one

and it looks just not right on my laptop and looks jaundice on my home computer. I did a search on skin tones here but can't seem to find one for this problem.
Any links to what I can do to fix this. I need to get these done asap
Thanks for any help you can offer........

And then on my home computer it looks too red
Then I redid it and reduced the red and came up with this one

and it looks just not right on my laptop and looks jaundice on my home computer. I did a search on skin tones here but can't seem to find one for this problem.
Any links to what I can do to fix this. I need to get these done asap
Thanks for any help you can offer........
It's a great example of why it's important to check the numbers and not just trust your eyes. At first I agreed with 'Gus, but then I thought I'd just download and check. Mageneta higher than yellow all the flesh. I think that's what was bothering you in the first place. I used this blue curve tweak to fix:
Now there's no contest. If you printed it without doing this, it would look a lot more wrong.
Perhaps this is elementary, but is your home monitor calibrated? I bring this up because you say the pics look very different from one monitor to another, and, of course, we need to be able to trust our equipment.
Here's a link to skin tone tutorial by Baldy here at dgrin. Very helpful. And there are others on the tutorial page.
Good one, Susan :giggle
Tell your boss its a new fed regulation. Say it with an exasperated smile and maybe he/she will just shrug and walk away.
Sorry to encroach on the subject, Joe.
Thanks again for all the help
OK, by jove I think I've got it....