Are the bad guys welcome here?

I've noticed that almost everyone here is a SmugMug client, which is not
surprising, since SmugMug owns DGrin, from what I can tell. Does that mean
I am not welcome here (being from The Dark Side, and all)?
Actually, I've considered moving over to SmugMug for ages now (I like the
tweakability of SmugMug a lot), but the thought of moving over 1000 photos
from one service to another is just too daunting.
I've noticed that almost everyone here is a SmugMug client, which is not
surprising, since SmugMug owns DGrin, from what I can tell. Does that mean
I am not welcome here (being from The Dark Side, and all)?
Actually, I've considered moving over to SmugMug for ages now (I like the
tweakability of SmugMug a lot), but the thought of moving over 1000 photos
from one service to another is just too daunting.

Don't worry, everyone is very welcome here! We are a nice and friendly forum, for anyone, regardless of where they host their photos. We are even friendly to Nikon shooters
Have a look around; Any questions? Let us know! See my signature on how to do most anything around here.
Moving over with 1000 photos can take a while. You are thinking about moving from Zenfolio? Or you have another account as well that you want to move from? & smugmug
No, it's just Zenfolio. I have 1070 pictures there. It would take ages and I'm
the lazy man's lazy man, so I don't see that happening anytime soon. I do
prefer a lot of SmugMug's features, though and will seriously think about
migrating over sometime.
Thanks for the welcome!
you could just ask over at the smugmug API forum if somebody is already working on a migration tool or would like to do it if there's enough interest.
Maybe sometime when you're ready to migrate there's going to be an easy way to do it.
SmugMug Support Hero
Yes, you are welcome here....
but one more crack about Nikonians.... :toni
Moderator of: Location, Location, Location , Mind Your Own Business & Other Cool Shots
Don't get me wrong. Nikonians are great people. All two of them.
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
Welcome to the forum i hope you'll start posting photos soon :ivar
My Gallery
1,000? That's all?
If you can get them off zenfolio, Star*Explorer will upload them all in one night, if not a couple of hours (depending on the size, connection speed, etc). All you need to do is one drag-and-drop
And since S*E trial is 30 days, it's all free and you'll have 29 more days to play:-)
Nikolai: That sounds like a good option. Just one question. The Zenfolio
downloader creates a folder structure based on the gallery setup I have,
so, for example, if I have galleries X, Y and Z, it will create folders X, Y and Z
on my harddrive and put the pics in those folders. Can your program do the
opposite? In other words, take a folder structure and automatically create
galleries based on it? If so, that would be seriously tempting.
SmugMug Support Hero
Moderator of: Location, Location, Location , Mind Your Own Business & Other Cool Shots
Basically, yes.
One thing to make sure.
S*E can create categories, subcategories and albums en-masse. However, due to unpredictable folder structure on hard-drive (drive - folder - folder -... - folder - image) and very shallow and restricted SM structure (category - optional subcategory - album - image) I had to make an executive decision to avoid the ambiguities and confusion.
As a result of this decision S*E requires categories and subcategories being created manually (you can still do them in bulk). This ensures the framework is exactly what you want and how you want it.
Once this is done, the auto album creation feature allows for automated parsing and matching. Moreover, to ease things up, S*E can create the folder structure (File | Update Sync Tree) on your HDD that matches your SM one.
Also, S*E allows for various naming options of the nested albums, as well as for manual renaming the albums it's going to auto create.
All in all, you may wanna play with this feature a bit before going for the kill, but ultimately it's a huge time saver. I'm using it all the time when I need to create and upload more than 2-3 albums, and when it comes to hundreds and thousands - forget it, I would never be able to do it without S*E