
What do I need for raw? PS plus what?

JoemessJoemess Registered Users Posts: 112 Major grins
edited September 28, 2007 in Finishing School
Up to till now I have pretty much always shot in jpeg mode as it did what I wanted it to do. However I decided I wanted to play with RAW the other day and lo and behold Photoshop does not support CR2 files.... Am I missing something here?

The reason I ask is the department is buying me a new laptop and I am having the complete PS suite put on it under a university license. What Else do I need to have to get to use RAW files. Understand that this will be my first windows based machine in a LOOOOONG time as I normally use Apple.

Anyway, if someone could give a breakdown as to what I (or any beginner needs) to get on the RAW superhighway it would be most appreciated. ( I tried a search but did not find a sufficient answer.)

“Tug at a single thing in nature, and you will find it connected to the universe.
[John Muir]


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    colourboxcolourbox Registered Users Posts: 2,095 Major grins
    edited June 5, 2007
    If you're using Photoshop CS2 or CS3, they do support CR2 files, but your Adobe Camera Raw plug-in needs to be up to date. You might need to download the latest one. CR2 support was added a long, long time ago.

    If you are using Photoshop CS, I think you need to upgrade Photoshop to be able to use the current Camera Raw plug-in.
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    pathfinderpathfinder Super Moderators Posts: 14,699 moderator
    edited June 5, 2007
    You need to make sure you are getting PSCS 3 because that allows you access to Adobe RAW Converter 4.1 which is head and shoulders above the previous version of ARC. ARC 4.1 really is that much better!!
    Pathfinder - www.pathfinder.smugmug.com

    Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
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    JoemessJoemess Registered Users Posts: 112 Major grins
    edited June 5, 2007
    pathfinder wrote:
    You need to make sure you are getting PSCS 3 because that allows you access to Adobe RAW Converter 4.1 which is head and shoulders above the previous version of ARC. ARC 4.1 really is that much better!!

    Thanks to both of you. It should be the latest and greatest version as the Graphics design department at the school would demand it.

    “Tug at a single thing in nature, and you will find it connected to the universe.
    [John Muir]
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    BinaryFxBinaryFx Registered Users Posts: 707 Major grins
    edited June 6, 2007
    A CS user can download the latest DNG converter
    (trashing the newer ACR that does not work with CS if bundled) - convert the unsupported camera file to DNG and then open the DNG in CS (obviously missing the new bells and whistles of later versions - but still having free acces to RAW editing).

    Hope this helps,

    Stephen Marsh.
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    claudermilkclaudermilk Registered Users Posts: 2,756 Major grins
    edited June 6, 2007
    While I doubt the OP is getting CS, I do want to point out ACR 2.4--the last version for CS does indeed support some CR2 files up to the 20D/Rebel XT generation cameras. I know the 30D & XTi require CS2 & ACR 3.x. I am not sure about the 1D cameras or the 5D. Having a newer camera + CS is one of the few situations I can think of where DNG is actually useful.
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    JoemessJoemess Registered Users Posts: 112 Major grins
    edited June 6, 2007
    While I doubt the OP is getting CS, I do want to point out ACR 2.4--the last version for CS does indeed support some CR2 files up to the 20D/Rebel XT generation cameras. I know the 30D & XTi require CS2 & ACR 3.x. I am not sure about the 1D cameras or the 5D. Having a newer camera + CS is one of the few situations I can think of where DNG is actually useful.

    Am I missing something? Why would you doubt that I am getting the CS? I just picked up my laptop and when you fire up photoshop it says "adobe photoshop CS". I have not had a chance to play with it yet as I am backed up under a lot of lab work, but it is indeed CS.
    “Tug at a single thing in nature, and you will find it connected to the universe.
    [John Muir]
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    claudermilkclaudermilk Registered Users Posts: 2,756 Major grins
    edited June 7, 2007
    Joemess wrote:
    Am I missing something? Why would you doubt that I am getting the CS? I just picked up my laptop and when you fire up photoshop it says "adobe photoshop CS". I have not had a chance to play with it yet as I am backed up under a lot of lab work, but it is indeed CS.

    Well, CS is now two versions old. I figured it was a safe assumption that a new setup would get at least CS2 if not 3. ne_nau.gif Mea culpa.

    So, what camera body are you using? If it's about the same vintage as CS, then you should just need ACR 2.4, otherwise you have a few choices: Find the original CDs that came with the camera and load up DPP, convert the RAW files to DNG to load into ACR 2.4, or start looking at 3rd party converters (though the only freebie one is now dead, and wouldhave the same problem as ACR 2.4).
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    JoemessJoemess Registered Users Posts: 112 Major grins
    edited June 7, 2007
    Well, CS is now two versions old. I figured it was a safe assumption that a new setup would get at least CS2 if not 3. ne_nau.gif Mea culpa.

    So, what camera body are you using? If it's about the same vintage as CS, then you should just need ACR 2.4, otherwise you have a few choices: Find the original CDs that came with the camera and load up DPP, convert the RAW files to DNG to load into ACR 2.4, or start looking at 3rd party converters (though the only freebie one is now dead, and wouldhave the same problem as ACR 2.4).

    No Problem.... I actually called IT after getting your reply and asked them about this and I got a big Mea Culpa from them as well as they had CS installed which is the same thing that is on my lab computer. I have CS2 installed now.... I am still new to this photoshop thing so I was serious in the not knowing why I would not have CS vs. whatever else.... Many thanks.

    I am using a 30D. The little bit of playing I have gotten to do has required that I use ADOBE DNG converter to be able to use the files. I have downloaded the plugin "camera raw" but have not figured out if I need to put it anywhere for it to work. To much stuff going on to really play with it.

    In your opinion, is light room worth getting the demo of so I learn it to begin with or should I play with CS2 until I am comfortable with it before learning something else?
    “Tug at a single thing in nature, and you will find it connected to the universe.
    [John Muir]
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    colourboxcolourbox Registered Users Posts: 2,095 Major grins
    edited June 7, 2007
    When you get your Photoshop CS3, start with that and learn how to use Adobe Camera Raw together with Bridge to do rapid bulk editing. If it seems complicated, you might think about Lightroom. Lightroom is basically a streamlined version of Bridge and ACR with a few conveniences thrown in for high-volume keywording and processing, but the processing features themselves are the same between ACR and Lightroom. If you are perfectly comfortable working in CS3 Bridge and ACR, you might not need Lightroom.
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    claudermilkclaudermilk Registered Users Posts: 2,756 Major grins
    edited June 8, 2007
    Well, now that you've gotten updated, you can get ACR 3.x which will support the 30D. thumb.gif

    Lightroom is a different tool for a different purpose. It's an all-in-one app meant for high-volume use. So it starts with a lightweight DAM, then has ACR for RAW conversion, then a printing module. Many people like it, I personally don't care for it. If you are happy with ACR and CS2, then learn that first.

    Oh, and to get ACR working, I thought there was an installer. If not, you just put the file into the plugin directory in Photoshop. Then in Bridge double-click the RAW file and PS automatically opens the file in ACR; once you're ready to output, ACR sends the file into PS for additional editing and printing/saving.
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    DaCDaC Registered Users Posts: 59 Big grins
    edited September 28, 2007
    This thread is back because I need much the same help. I have a copy of CS2 on my computer purchased last year to help her with her art work. I want to use the same program to help me with the photos. I have a Nikon D70. The Adoby web site pointed me to the "Camera Raw 3.7" update for CS2. That program supports newer Nikon cameras (D40) and I am guessing that it will support the D-70. The questions:
    1. Before I load the software on the computer does anyone here know for sure that my guess is correct?
    2. If I upgrade to a D200, is this still the correct update?
    Thanks in advance
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    DaCDaC Registered Users Posts: 59 Big grins
    edited September 28, 2007
    DaC wrote:
    This thread is back because I need much the same help. I have a copy of CS2 on my computer purchased last year to help her with her art work. I want to use the same program to help me with the photos. I have a Nikon D70. The Adoby web site pointed me to the "Camera Raw 3.7" update for CS2. That program supports newer Nikon cameras (D40) and I am guessing that it will support the D-70. The questions:
    1. Before I load the software on the computer does anyone here know for sure that my guess is correct?
    2. If I upgrade to a D200, is this still the correct update?
    Thanks in advance

    Nevermind.... I found this 10 step self help thread for people like me ( http://www.dgrin.com/showthread.php?t=2592&highlight=photoshop+raw+plugin). The CS2 program was able to open and save a picture. I'm off to shoot some pictures.
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