2 photos... looking for c.c.
I'd like to print these pictures of my kids... can anyone give me good c.c for making them print-worthy?
Thank you!!
Obviously already some post-processing. I used levels in PSE and turned them B&W; but that's about it.
TIA for any and all thoughts.
Thank you!!
Obviously already some post-processing. I used levels in PSE and turned them B&W; but that's about it.
TIA for any and all thoughts.
I like them
a lot
They look good on my screen.
Wouldn't realy know what to change to get the print right.
Peter Dumont
My equiment: Nikon D50, Nikon D300, SB-600, 30mm 1.4, 50mm 1.4, 85mm 1.4, 70-200mm 2.8
Great job! Print um already ..
Ahhh! Cool! Thank you for the replies! I really appreciate them.
~printing, printing, printing!~
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Well-- it's all subjective but you could do a curves adjustment layer and tweak the blacks a bit darker and the light tones a bit lighter to give more punch. But again, that's just how I prefer my b & w's but fortunately, not everybody in this world agrees with me or not only would this world cease to function, but there sure wouldn't be as many cool ideas out there!
Portland, Oregon Photographer Pete Springer
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Thanks for the reply! I'll definitely try this and see what I like! A little "punch" in a photo is a good thing IMO! :ivar
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