Edit This Caption only good for 1 or 2 tries?
I am trying to edit the captions on the photos in a gallery styled as a slideShow. Everytime I change a caption and click 'update', the gallery reloads and starts over at image #1. I click 'pause', click to the image I want, and select 'Edit This Caption...'. I have only been able to edit 1 or two images before the photo tools menu stops responding. So far, the only fix I've found is 'leave it alone, try back a little later, repeat'. I thought it might have been because I have multiple browser tabs open to the site, all logged in, and more than one in the same gallery, but I've since closed all but one of my windows and still, no joy.
Any ideas?
Any ideas?
SmugMug Support Hero
Doh! Here ya go...
Is this more a general pointer for smugmug so they can fix this? I mean you could change the gallery setting to a different style, edit the captions and then change it back to slideshow. Or is there another reason for trying to do it the current hard way?
If you just want to quickly edit every caption without changing the gallery style use this link I put together for you. With it you can browse through the gallery in single photo view. It's hand made and not availiable as a link on your site.
Another thing: exactly in which browser did this happen?
EDIT: Yeah, the 'edit caption' also works for me just once in a gallery forced to slideshow style. I tested it in FF 1.5 and get the following JS error in the JS error console: It doesn't help if I pause the slideshow before starting to edit and advance manually.
SmugMug Support Hero
Thanks so much. Lots to digest.
1) I am more curious as to why it wouldn't work or whether or not it is supposed to.
2) I know I can work around it by switching the gallery view to something else, editing my captions, and then switching back. But if anyone looks at that gallery while I'm editing, it will not be displayed the way I want it.
3) Really? People don't normally force a gallery into slideshow view? I'm feeling very self-conscious, now.
4) Relieved to hear you reproduced it easily. I tried both NS7 and FF2...
5) Dopey me - I never thought to look at the Java console. grrrrrr.......
Thanks, as always,
Right, that's also why I would never consider that a permananent solution. One thing that comes to my mind that when you're having a big gallery and don't want to bother with the problem - just use the bulk caption editing tool - no more page reloads necessary. At least until the problem is fixed.
Well, I said I don't use it - yet - and I am hardly people.
SmugMug Support Hero