I'm lost!

... or maybe the forum lost me?
When I registered (yesterday) here my very first action was to set up my profile - including a location. I see posts from many people here where the location is actually displayed in the left box ... but mine is not. Why not?
On another vBulletin-powered forum I frequent, locations are always shown (including mine). See my public profile there (v.3.6.5) and here (v.3.5.2). The location text is even literally the same, and yet doesn't show up here with my posts. What gives?
When I registered (yesterday) here my very first action was to set up my profile - including a location. I see posts from many people here where the location is actually displayed in the left box ... but mine is not. Why not?
On another vBulletin-powered forum I frequent, locations are always shown (including mine). See my public profile there (v.3.6.5) and here (v.3.5.2). The location text is even literally the same, and yet doesn't show up here with my posts. What gives?
Marjolein Katsma
Look through my eyes on Cultural Surfaces! - customizing... currently in a state between limbo and chaos
Look through my eyes on Cultural Surfaces! - customizing... currently in a state between limbo and chaos
3.5.2 has a small problem, it needs to have data in the field 'dream goodies' for the location to show up. I just entered a period in that field for you, and now it shows. You can change it to something else of course.
I couldn't access the profile on the other forum, as you needed to be registered I believe.
Welkom bij Digital Grin trouwens! Als je vragen hebt, stel ze gerust. Zie mijn 'signature' voor 'how to do most anything' of dit forum, alhoewel het meeste je wel bekend zal voorkomen
www.ivarborst.nl & smugmug
Duh, I wasn't sure of that, I'm always logged in ... Just go to the home page and you can find all my posts - I'm using the same nick iamback there.
Jawel... (ik tik zelfs normaal gesproken rechtstreeks de BBcode in, da's veel sneller dan die stomme buttons) <grumble> maar die dubbelepunt-groteD van je werkt dus niet meer, en ';)' of ';-)' evenmin. Had gisteren dus behoorlijk ruzie met posten hier. 't Zou toch wel handig zijn als een aantal van de "klassieke" smilies gewoon zouden werken en je niet alsmaar in een popup moet zoeken of er iets is wat er een beetje op lijkt </grumble> - zo is er geen lol aan.
Enne... dubbelepunt-ivar werkt ook niet meer: als je naar de lijst met smilies gaat blijkt dat er een heel aantal is waarvoor (nog) wel een code is maar geen bijbehorende smilie (meer?).
Look through my eyes on Cultural Surfaces! - customizing... currently in a state between limbo and chaos
dubbele punt-grote
(Click on image for a larger version)
sub-titles: Smilies seem to be working for me. Are you missing smilies? All smilies listed should show up. We don't have
The BBcode can be entered in all three editors we have by the way, including the wysiwyg one (shudder), and should work correctly. It is the way I use it as well.
www.ivarborst.nl & smugmug
<grumble>Now Dgrin tells me my perfectly valid PNG screenshot is not a valid image file! Had to convert it to GIF.</grumble> I'll get used to it, I guess...
Look through my eyes on Cultural Surfaces! - customizing... currently in a state between limbo and chaos
Try clearing your browser's cache. For Firefox 2/Windows:
From the Tools menu, select Clear Private Data, and then choose Cache.
Let me know if this helps.
www.ivarborst.nl & smugmug
Full list of "missing" smilies:
: D
- :ivar : ivar
: barb
- :patch : patch
- :whew : whew
- :lynnsite : lynnsite
- :deadhorse : deadhorse
- :saurora : saurora
- :jfriend : jfriend
- :mlane : mlane
- :seamus : seamus
- :rutt : rutt
- :cavig : cavig
- :bwg : bwg
- :lurk : lurk
- :skippy : skippy
- :davidto : davidto
(lurk is lurking but gone is not gone!Things that might help hunting for a cause on my side:
Look through my eyes on Cultural Surfaces! - customizing... currently in a state between limbo and chaos
I've no commented out that line, but still need to decide what's more important: seeing a bunch of silly smilies or not seeing all ad images sitting in a directory starting with "adv"...
(Why not all smilies are served from the same server at least, beats me. Never mind. <shrug/>)
Look through my eyes on Cultural Surfaces! - customizing... currently in a state between limbo and chaos
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And it might help to put them in a directory that doesn't have a name that suggests advertizing.
Look through my eyes on Cultural Surfaces! - customizing... currently in a state between limbo and chaos
Hello Iamback,
We do the best we can here with the resources possible. At some point, in the future, we will soldier all these up. Frankly, it's not a high priority for me, I'm sorry it is for you, and I'm sorry I don't have a better answer for you.
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