How to price packages and tier pricing?
I'm a newbie to the smugmug site ... have been building a site for about a week ( ... if you're interested - it's still all dummy stuff). My normal business pricing involves both package pricing and volume tiering (i.e., first of a given size is xxx, subsequent is xxx-10%).
Is there a way to support this within smugmug?
Thanks for the help in advance!
- Gary.
Is there a way to support this within smugmug?
Thanks for the help in advance!
- Gary.
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
Thanks...I'll have to live with it in the mean time...I guess you don't have a timeframe...?
I'm really new here, but just a thought: could you provide a hook to the shopping cart whereby alternate pricing schemes could be implemented? The method would have to display an alternate smugger-developed screen for initial selection of the images, then return to you the quantity, size, and image id of each selected image along with the overall overridden price. Since profit is calculated by price-cost * .85, you really wouldn't need individual print prices. - Just a thought.
- Gary.
Sounds like a good idea. Maybe you just add it to the feature request thread, so smugmug has all the requests and feature ideas in one place.
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