Downloading png
I have been having trouble attaching a png to this web site for several months.
I didnot have any problems around sept/ oct, with this computer I had no problems. Now even pngs that I took with screen capture will not download- even very small sizes.
Can someone help me with this. Im trying to use these photos to get help with getting colors set up .
I didnot have any problems around sept/ oct, with this computer I had no problems. Now even pngs that I took with screen capture will not download- even very small sizes.
Can someone help me with this. Im trying to use these photos to get help with getting colors set up .
PNG files are not working correctly as attachements, I'm sorry. I'll see if I can find the problem.
In the mean time, why not use JPGs or something else? If you are using macs, get SCIT. It's an incredibly small, free program that allows you to set the output of your screengrabs to other formats besides PNG. There are other programs that can do that as well. & smugmug
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