More Images from Marc's Gathering of the Clans in Utah
Super Moderators Posts: 14,708 moderator
I have been eagerly waiting to see the results of the weekend several of us spent in Utah with Marc, but there has been rather sparse posting of images from that debauch.:(: Not sure what the delay is:scratch .
At any rate, I will buck up and break the ice.
Nightingale and I spent almost two weeks on the road coming and going to Utah, so my images will involve more than just the shooting we all did with Marc. Hopefully, some of the images may have some interest to some of the readers of these threads.
Sunrise Colorado Nat Monument
Goblin Valley Sunrise...
Sunrise - Goblin Valley
Shooters in Goblin Valley
Petroglyph Sand Island Bluff, Utah
Pictograms Cave Springs Canyonlands Nat Park
Pictograms of Modern Youth
A Utah Reptile
The Cut through Comb Ridge
Leaves on the Canyon Wall
Aspens leafing out on Cumbres Pass
Cactus Flowers
Aztec Ruins Nat Monument Farmington. NM
One of the suggestions I made while we were all chatting around the campfire, was that we contribute images to a thread, and then have a hardbound book printed by Blogspot or Apple or one of the online limited volume book publishers for each of us. Anyone still interested in this project? If there is any encouragement I will open another thread for image posting for consideration. We might get Marc to make the final choice of images as we will assume he is an impartial judge of image quality.
More images can be seen here
If you do look at this gallery, please take the time to leave a few comments or criticisms while you are there. The management will Thank You.:D
At any rate, I will buck up and break the ice.
Nightingale and I spent almost two weeks on the road coming and going to Utah, so my images will involve more than just the shooting we all did with Marc. Hopefully, some of the images may have some interest to some of the readers of these threads.
Sunrise Colorado Nat Monument
Goblin Valley Sunrise...
Sunrise - Goblin Valley
Shooters in Goblin Valley
Petroglyph Sand Island Bluff, Utah
Pictograms Cave Springs Canyonlands Nat Park
Pictograms of Modern Youth
A Utah Reptile
The Cut through Comb Ridge
Leaves on the Canyon Wall
Aspens leafing out on Cumbres Pass
Cactus Flowers
Aztec Ruins Nat Monument Farmington. NM
One of the suggestions I made while we were all chatting around the campfire, was that we contribute images to a thread, and then have a hardbound book printed by Blogspot or Apple or one of the online limited volume book publishers for each of us. Anyone still interested in this project? If there is any encouragement I will open another thread for image posting for consideration. We might get Marc to make the final choice of images as we will assume he is an impartial judge of image quality.
More images can be seen here
If you do look at this gallery, please take the time to leave a few comments or criticisms while you are there. The management will Thank You.:D
Pathfinder -
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
Great photos. I really like the first one and the petroglyphs. I've been processing my photos like mad since I got back. I've got some posted on my web site and I'll be posting them here shortly.
I think a book is a great idea. Yes, I'd be interested in contributing some photos.
Looks like the days before and after were good to you.
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky
Good job
But I especially like this shot:
I absolutely love when there is a clever human (or three) placed in a stunning landscape to give it true scale! Very well done!
Canon: 5d Mk III, 5d Mk II, 50d, 50/1.2, 85/1.2, 35/1.4, 70-200/2.8 II, 17-40/4, 24-70/2.8, 100 2.8 macro
Laurie Bracewell Photography
I loved the idea of a photo book at the time, so count me in.
Photos that don't suck / 365 / Film & Lomography
That is Marc's trademark of course, so it is only fitting that he is in this image as well:D
Kind of like a double entendre' perhaps?
Here is another of Stephanie and Sheila in the Valley of the Dolls er: Goblin Valley
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
Dan, you have some stunning work on your website from the trip.
You need to get cracking and share the wealth here:D
I think I want to redo the shot of Colorado Nat Monument - to my eye it gets more orange everytime I look at it.
The first petroglyph shot with the green leaves I do like quite a bit.
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
So stop looking at it and it'll be perfect.
Yes, I really like that one too.
My Gallery
First one is my favorite. Really nice image. I'd be tempted to clone out the flare.
Aspens is a great shot too.
Well done!
I am so glad you liked this one, as it is a favorite of mine also.
And, unlike many shots that I shoot, I knew right from tripping the shutter how I wanted that shot to look. I wanted to contrast the bright light green with the red of the canyon wall as a study in color. Maybe I suceeded:):
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
Thanks Steve. I noticed the flare and considered cloning it out, and decided that it was shot into the sun, and that flare is expected in that type of shot, so I left it in. Maybe I should reconsider your suggestion.
The shot of the aspens really has to be seen full size 100% on a monitor - I never thought I would see images with that level of detail with anything less than a large view camera. The light in the aspens was just glowing bright green that afternoon.
This is a 100% crop from the Aspens which is a 9 by 16 inch image at about 320 ppi
Here is the whole frame so you can see how small the area is
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin