D1x kit plus
When the D2x's are available I will be selling my D1x Kit, includes firmware and buffer upgrades, 4 batteries (2 nikon, 2 polaroid) additional hoodman protector and all cables and charger. Excellent condition, no marks or scratches; well cared for and always transported in hard cases. Factory cleaned during upgrade. Will also include SB-28dx. All software and instruction manuals. Let me know if you are interested.
Also all original boxes, paperwork etc....
Also all original boxes, paperwork etc....
http://www.lifekapptured.com (gallery)
Been watching Ebay and it seems like the prices are running from the $1900's and up for the camera. I have the full kit with original boxes, manuals etc and am including the SB-26. I would like to get at least $2k for the package and I will even throw in a 1 gig card.
Let the frenzy begin:uhoh
ps, thanks fish
seems that is the biggest complaint of the D1X that I have read.
I'm still debating on what I want to get.
The OEM batteries were pretty poor especially if you used only a portion of the charge and recharged them. They develop a memory. You can draw them all the way down and then recharge and that helps.
That is why I picked up two polaroid batteries. Almost as good as the lithium on the D2h, I could get up to 1000 frames easily on one battery and sometimes up to 13-1400. Unless you are out and shooting tons of pics with no available power source I don't feel the batteries are an issue.
A few guys I know who shoot with D1X swear by them. Can you take a low-light photo with it?
This was a concert I shot for Raindog in Yachats last fall. Lighting was really poor, really poor...all shots were hand held.
Here is the link to the set on Smugmug: Yachats Celtic Festival
ps, check your PM
Michiel de Brieder
I am up to 12th on the list for the D2x...someone's gotta get serious here. Thanks for the bump Michele.
It's in great shape....
Hi Greg, you sent me an email after seeing my details on DPreview.
Yes I would be interested in D1x. But Im thinking your probarbly in USA,
is tis correct?
its easyer for me if you send reply to either: gary@manhinephoto.co.uk
or gazid@yahoo.com
Just to let you Nikon fans know, this package is still available. D2x should be in this week....
Well Deaconess just informed me that she wants the D1x for her own use. She is a painter and often paints my photos and wants to be able to shoot some of her own shots!
Whoopeeee, glad she is excited about it but I may be allowing a monster to be created.