Which should I take?
Not sure if this is the right forum but thought I would ask in Wide Angle:
I'm going on my honeymoon in May to Maui. We will be there for one week. I have a Nikon D70 and 4 lenses. Which ones should I take?
18-70mm f/3.5 kit lens
50mm f/1.8
105mm Macro
80-200mm f/2.8
I'm pretty sure I won't be taking the macro. This post is probably dumb...since I'll probably take 3 lenses.
I'm going on my honeymoon in May to Maui. We will be there for one week. I have a Nikon D70 and 4 lenses. Which ones should I take?
18-70mm f/3.5 kit lens
50mm f/1.8
105mm Macro
80-200mm f/2.8
I'm pretty sure I won't be taking the macro. This post is probably dumb...since I'll probably take 3 lenses.
take none (if you are planning on a really really really good honeymoon!) or take three and leave the macro at home.
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not taking them ALL. Is there a reason why you can only take three?
Seems like a very well rounded and quite manageable kit actually. You have a good balance of zoom and primes, good coverage for focal lenghts, the 50mm for available light shots, and the macro for portraits and macro.
I would think that even the macro would be nice to have. I've never been to Maui but I'd guess there would be all sorts of interesting flowers and plants you might want to capture.
If it were me, I would take the equivelent setup for my Canon 20D, plus 'one' (I need two lenses to cover your 18-70mm range).
Where I would definately get in trouble is trying to take too many pics on my honeymoon!
If that's the same in your case, maybe you should just pickup a disposable 35mm
Don't sweat it though, throw you gear in a bag take lots of CF cards and extra batteries and have a blast.
Yeah, I don't want to spend TOO much time taking pictures but then again, when will I be back to Maui?
Mainly I plan on taking shots of the waterfalls, beaches, ocean, landscapes, etc. If I do see a flower, then the 50mm will be used.
I have been to Oahu and have some pictures from there on my site...those are the types I want to take.
I would take it all, and probably buy something else new just for the trip.
Nikon Zoom Super Wide Angle AF-S Zoom Nikkor 17-35mm f/2.8D ED-IF Autofocus Lens
or this one
Nikon Zoom Telephoto AF Zoom Nikkor 200-400mm f/4 G-AFS ED-IF VR (Vibration Reduction) Autofocus Lens
But I can't spend any money on toys right now. Still paying off the honeymoon trip ($1300 left to go!).
Oh, and we bought a 12inch iBook just for this trip and to play with before and after of course.
I have a 1GB, 512MB and a 32MB CF cards. I plan to shoot all in RAW format.
"The Edge... there is no honest way to explain it because the only people who really know where it is are the ones who have gone over."-Hunter S.Thompson
You could take your wife shooting with you, tell her how beautiful she is and use her for a model.
Why would you need to go to Hawaii at all if not to take photographs. Most stuff you can do without leaving home. You probably even know where the best restaurants are in your own town.