Where are the release notes?

In the past, changes have usually been document here:
It looks like it's falling a bit behind. Will it be updated in the future?
It looks like it's falling a bit behind. Will it be updated in the future?
Scott Walter Photography
SmugMug Support Hero
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Bio text in the meta description tag? Good news, I've been waiting for something like this for a long time!
And yeah, updated release notes would be nice. But right now I bet Don is busy with his new iPhone
Until the OFFICIAL release notes are updated, here is a brief summary for Mar-June.
bug fixes
*-multiple photobars were displayed when the photobar was opened, lightbox was opened and the photobar was opened again
-in some webmail clients (squirrel mail), some of the text in the email was invisible (black on black). cleaned up some of the HTML so it forced the text to white
-Tennis, Valentine, The Longest Yard, and Bon Voyage theme bug fixes
-Devbobo made a bunch of API changes and fixes.
-fixed titles and descriptions on SmugMug Popular feeds
-For comments posted by smugmug users, the user comments feed incorrectly identified the poster as the owner of the image/gallery.
Fixed the annoying login/logout bug. Account switching is now painless.
Fixed the javascript error with maps and passworded sites. (If you had a viewing password set and a map on your homepage, we would load the maps javascript but not some other stuff. This would cause a javascript error when you were logged in. )
Fixed “main image missing” in smugmug style problem
Fixed this: Searching for multiple keywords when one of them (not the first) happened to be a CSS class would produce a funky broken page
Fixed this: After clicking the add to cart icon while in the lightbox, the add to cart notification was hidden behind the lightbox.
Fixed this: If a customer is using anchor names on one of their pages for aiding navigation, we screw it up by being overzealous and assuming that every hash mark is used for our navigation and not theirs.
Encoded things like % and ‘ in filenames so pages don’t break.
Shiny new and more informative shipping page: http://smugmug.com/prints/shipping.mg
New theme: SmugMug gradient white so standard users can force the built-in white style
New theme: White theme
New theme: It’s a Boy!
We have some new products for sale! Canvas prints, 12x12, 10x20 (http://smugmug.com/prints/mounted-canvas-prints http://smugmug.com/prints/rolled-canvas-prints )
Made right click protection carry over into the shopping cart crop page.
bug fixes:
Fixed the problem if you were following a link to an ajax URL that was in a passworded gallery, the URL would fail after logging in and you would go to the first image in a gallery instead of the image intended.
Made it so we now notify visitors if they have JS disabled - We now tell them to switch styles or enabled javascript.
Fixed broken USPS tracking link in ship emails
Fixed adding to the cart from a keyword single image page
Fixed it so we now strip out periods in category and subcategory names
Fixed It’s a Boy, Fresh Air theme bugs
*Other stuff:
*New Products: Playing Cards and 6-Tile Mosaic (http://smugmug.com/prints/ceramic-tile-photo-mosaic , http://smugmug.com/prints/photo-playing-cards )
A whole bunch of API changes/bug fixes.
SmugIslands!!! (and corresponding help pages http://www.smugmug.com/help/private-search-island http://www.smugmug.com/help/private-photo-storage )
Timeline for everyone
Our first Serbian SmugMugger! (Serbia is now a billing country choice)
Added ability to putting the site in Read-only mode during maintenance periods - thus keeping your photos online and viewable while we upgrade infrastructure
ClubSmug! http://www.smugmug.com/clubsmug/
bug fixes:
Fixed some SmugIslands bugs and search bugs.
Fixed caching issue on popular photos box
other stuff:
Limit SmugMug indexing of keywords to 15
All-new Visitor help pages: http://smugmug.com/visitor-help/
New whypay page: http://smugmug.com/price/whypay.mg
Add photos menu/button!
New, more friendly landing page for free trialers
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Thanks Andy. You might want to also add the feature where the meta tag description info is now taken from your Bio text.
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The "that" referenced above is the meta tag search engine documentation. Has this been documented yet? I couldn't find anything...
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Thank you.