
Is there a free noise reduction plugin or program available anywhere that works. I dont want to buy one as I dont know that I would have much use for it, but I am trying to fix up an image for a friend, it was underexposed and bringing it up introduced a fair amount of noise. If I cant clean it up he'll have to take it as is, but I am not willing to pay 40 bucks for software to take care of it. Any ideas? Links?
The Demo edition of Neat Image is distributed as freeware for non-commercial use. See the documentation supplied with the software for more details.
It was pretty bad and I dont think the resulting image is as good as he is hoping but I saved the original, and two different noise reduced copies. He can try to improve them if he wants.
As to the other alternatives - check, I remember a lot of entries over there in forums (at least at stf, but it really does not matter which camera you use/love/hate:-)