yeah, I tend to go for shots that make me look twice, and ask "wait, how'd they do that?" This shot is exactly how I took it, holding my camera at a diagonal of a frozen lake thawing out a bit (although how I'm not sure, it was about 18 degrees out with gusts of 40+mph. Definitely not a good day for tripod work! lol
I don't know how you will decide which of your photos to enter. This one and the wine glass are wonderful..
awww, wow, thank you, that's awesome of you to say! I think I'm leaning more towards the wine because I'm a drama queen but I think I'll sit on it. I'd really like more feed back on both. So thank you very much for commenting!!
awww, wow, thank you, that's awesome of you to say! I think I'm leaning more towards the wine because I'm a drama queen but I think I'll sit on it. I'd really like more feed back on both. So thank you very much for commenting!!
I really like this one. Probably because I really like abstracts. I was going to do an abstract until the pelicans came out so nicely.
I don't know which would be best for the challenge, I vote for the blue one myself. I hate it when I have to choose.
I like your composition. This bottom left - top right diagonals add tension and so to say 'drama' to the photo. They associate with overcoming, surmounting obstacles...
You must know all these - for those who read from top left to bottom right...
But your glass wine is perfect too...
Thank you all for the feedback and comments. It really means a lot and helped me to decide which was very difficult. But I guess it's better to have a choice than struggle and get no shot at all!
I've been looking at both of your pics and I definitely prefer this one. This one is brighter and engages me more. The all over blue is difinitely on point for the challenge. The image really grabs the viewer and makes you think about it and wonder about it. The diagonal tilt is a very creative composition and draws your eye all around. This is terrific capture, not an every day image! Great job.
It took me a while to figure out what I was looking at. It almost looks like a satellite photo. Nice one. My only suggestion is maybe increase the contrast a touch.
I love how it looks like an aerial shot, like a plane banking its way over a large thawing tundra. Awesome composition.
yeah, that's what I like about it, too. the title came from me originally titling it "icy atmosphere" and then I thought, that's such a boring title for a pic like this so I settled on "icysphere" and the wholeplay on words with spheres in the melting ice as well. Yeah, it's pretty crazy lookin'
yeah, that's what I like about it, too. the title came from me originally titling it "icy atmosphere" and then I thought, that's such a boring title for a pic like this so I settled on "icysphere" and the wholeplay on words with spheres in the melting ice as well. Yeah, it's pretty crazy lookin'
Susan Appel Photography My Blog
Very nice shot!!!
Moderator of: Location, Location, Location , Mind Your Own Business & Other Cool Shots
I don't know which would be best for the challenge, I vote for the blue one myself. I hate it when I have to choose.
You must know all these - for those who read from top left to bottom right...
But your glass wine is perfect too...
Nir Alon
images of my thoughts
I do love that blue melting ice. My favorite kind of, one of them.
I've been looking at both of your pics and I definitely prefer this one. This one is brighter and engages me more. The all over blue is difinitely on point for the challenge. The image really grabs the viewer and makes you think about it and wonder about it. The diagonal tilt is a very creative composition and draws your eye all around. This is terrific capture, not an every day image! Great job.
Susan Appel Photography My Blog
The composition is terrific and the color is lovely.
Can you stand another thumbs up post?
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