No Google Search results
I've followed all the obvious steps for appearing in web searches (keywords on photos and galleries, registering my site, posting on the forums) but you still cannot google "hanger images" and have anything appear, even though it's in all my keywording. Am I missing a step? How much visibility can I expect with smugmug? Thanks. :scratch
I suggest just keep doing what you doing, but what a little while & smugmug
I'll do that, I just wanted to make sure I'm on track. Thanks!
A few things you could do as well, notably to solve some incorrect HTML code:
Then while you're still in Google's "sandbox" (it can take a month or so before a site becomes visible at all), ensure you have incoming links from other sites. The usual: another website you may have, blog postings or comments, forum posts (add your URL to your sig, including in this forum!), friends or other companies' websites...
And don't forget Google isn't the only search engine out there!
Look through my eyes on Cultural Surfaces! - customizing... currently in a state between limbo and chaos
I'll put together a blurb for the home page. I know I am hiding the keywords on my portfolio photos (since there are alot), do you know if that will interfere with crawlers? I also registered my site on other search engines.
I appreciate the advice!
Don't know about you, but my smugmug site comes up #1 when I search my name on google. Search "pete springer photos" and pretty much the entire first page listed on google is for me (some dgrin posts, some SM stuff, some blog stuff, etc). Soooo... results may vary but with time, I think you'll find search engine visibility with an SM site can be fairly high.
Portland, Oregon Photographer Pete Springer
website blog instagram facebook g+
Thanks Pete, I'm sure I need to be more patient. I'm wondering about the best way for my name to come up on relative searches, like "Tacoma photographer" or "seattle portrait photographer" stuff like that instead of my name.
In a nutshell: An HTML page basically has two sections, a "head" and a "body", each with an opening and a closing tag by that name. The body is what becomes visible (or audible) content, the head contains the document title, and can contain meta data, scripts and stylesheets.
Look through my eyes on Cultural Surfaces! - customizing... currently in a state between limbo and chaos