Migratr: Flickr to ? tool

Just saw this on the web, a user wrote a tool to migrate from Flickr to Zoomr but he has now included export to SmugMug. :clap
I haven't used it, just thought I'd give it a mention in case it is useful for some of you folks.
I haven't used it, just thought I'd give it a mention in case it is useful for some of you folks.
Hey- Just saw this link in my referrers- FYI, Migratr Will support import AND export to/from Flickr, SmugMug, and 23HQ. It's purpose is to give you total control over your photos. Zooomr support is experimental- They've temporarily disabled bulk uploaders, so I can't test it yet. Migratr is still in it's infancy, and it's evolution will very much be guided by user feedback. So if any of you are interested in migrating all your Flickr photos over to SmugMug, please give it a shot and tell me what you think:)
And thanks for this post, looking into it now!
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G'day Alex,
Good to see that you got the SmugMug support integrated so quickly. Did you have a look at smugmug.images.uploadFromURL ?
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
It looks pretty handy. Currently Migratr works in a
Download Image 1
Download Image 2
Upload Image 1
Upload Image 2
way, and that lets people keep the photos on their hard drive in case they want to upload to a few different services. I've been working on putting in the option of doing it in the following way-
Download Image 1
Upload Image 1
Remove Image 1 from hard drive
Download Image 2
Upload Image 2
Remove Image 1 from hard drive
So that people with thousands of photos who don't have the temp space to spare can use it more easily. uploadFromUrl will DEFINITELY be handy in this case, I can completely skip an entire middle step and make Migration run much quicker:P
Thanks for the idea!
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I took a look at Yahoo Photos, and unfortunately it looks to be more trouble than it's worth to support, for a few reasons:
*It's shutting down, in (as of the countdown on the page) 89 days. This makes exporting to Yahoo Photos pretty much useless. It's really important to me that every service supported by Migratr has photo migration supported in BOTH directions, for the sake of portability and not implying any biases whatsoever.
*There's no .NET libraries I've been able to find ANYWHERE on the internet for interacting with the Yahoo Photos API. Writing my own would take quite a long time, and even if I could,
*They're not accepting new accounts, so I can't test any libraries I wrote
*Yahoo Photos is already setting up their own stuff for exporting to a few other services, Flickr included. Once that's set up, you could easily do the free export from Yahoo Photos -> Flickr, and then use Migratr (or Smuglr, which I understand to be a pretty awesome app in it's own right:) to hop the photos from there to SmugMug.
I feel a little bad about rejecting Yahoo Photos, but this is a one-dev application, and I need to focus my time implementing the featureset/services supported on what will be the most useful to the most people. As an example, I'm currently working on adding Google Picasaweb, as well as some album support so a little more of the organization one set up in one service carries over to the other service:)
Thanks for the idea though, and please, keep the input rolling!
I'm just interested in getting my photos from Flickr to SmugMug.
You know what? Nevermind. There's enough people stranded on Yahoo Photos that I'm going to take a crack at this.
However- I can't set up a Yahoo Photos account- they've disabled new accounts (frustrating, I tell you!)
Anybody have an abandoned yahoo photos account I can test with?
Was VERY glad I found this before I started doing things manually. Ouch, that would have hurt.
Cheers, Chris
Nikon | Private Photojournalist
The Railroad Photographer