Announcing: Komodo Drop
Announcing: Komodo Drop
Komodo Drop is a light weight uploader for SmugMug. It lives in the system tray, and then when you need it, it pops up a floating target in the bottom right of the screen which you can drop images or folders of images on and then they will upload. It has two modes, silent mode, that creates a new album, or adds to an album, based on the folder name containing the images being uploaded. Or interactive mode, which pops up a dialog allowing the user to either create a new album or select an existing album. As well, images that fail to upload (due to network time outs, etc) will get queued up, and then you can re-try the upload.
Komodo Drop is programmed using C++ and the JUCE framework and the REST SmugMug API. It will be released under the GPL. I will be releasing versions for Windows, Mac OS X and Linux. It is still in a very early beta state. I started working on it on Saturday.
The website is here:
You can download it here: (Windows) (OS X) (Linux)
Please let me know what you think of it. What features you would want in it. Or any other comments.
Thank You
Komodo Drop is a light weight uploader for SmugMug. It lives in the system tray, and then when you need it, it pops up a floating target in the bottom right of the screen which you can drop images or folders of images on and then they will upload. It has two modes, silent mode, that creates a new album, or adds to an album, based on the folder name containing the images being uploaded. Or interactive mode, which pops up a dialog allowing the user to either create a new album or select an existing album. As well, images that fail to upload (due to network time outs, etc) will get queued up, and then you can re-try the upload.
Komodo Drop is programmed using C++ and the JUCE framework and the REST SmugMug API. It will be released under the GPL. I will be releasing versions for Windows, Mac OS X and Linux. It is still in a very early beta state. I started working on it on Saturday.
The website is here:
You can download it here: (Windows) (OS X) (Linux)
Please let me know what you think of it. What features you would want in it. Or any other comments.
Thank You
This sounds great....i will give it a go once i get XP running on parallels properly again
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
Does it use multiple threads to upload more than one file at a time? I have a beefy connection here, but each upload seems to be limited. I pretty sure they'd upload faster with multiple uploads.
Multi thread is a good idea, I'll look into it, it shouldn't be too hard. That should avoid the downtime between images. Other than that, I'm not sure how much difference it'll make to me, since my cable modem upload is capped.
This is still early beta, so things like the rest of the album creation options are coming.
Just given it a little try, am impressed
At home i have a capped cable connection, at work we have a 10 megabit upstream which is hardly used... normally get upload speeds of around 1 meg to our servers, but smugmug uploads seem to hang around 100kbs.
I was going to spend a little time on the weekend building a small multi-threaded uploader that also worked as a lightroom exporter to see how it fares, but i might just wait to see how this progresses.
Looks good mate, look forward to seeing more
I upload 100megs really fast. Looking forward to all the "extra" (options on gallery create, can I move the drop target to dock, etc)?
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I just uploaded new builds. New features include:
Multiple upload threads - between 1 and 16
Deleting albums
Duplicate checking, based on filename.
I haven't tried a linux build yet. I do have a linux machine, so I'll hopefully get one ready this weekend.
For the mac, I'd like to support files getting dropped on the dock, I'll see if I can figure out how to do it.
Thanks for the new builds!
I love juce. It has a very clean, modern api. It's simple, you can get up running fast. Everything is just so much easier than MFC or Win32 (What I have experience with) Sometimes it feels almost too easy. Very full featured as well: gui components, thread pools, xml parser, jpeg/png/gif/ogg/flac support, and much more. The painting is also so much easier than using a DC in Windows.
There is the jucer, for laying out your gui. It works ok, but it's still a work in progress. It spits out .cpp/.h files, which you then have to add your code in special markers so it doesn't get overwritten if you use the jucer to update it later. You can download the jucer here:
I use juce at work as well, and I've written a pretty large app with it. KomodoDrop is my spare time project. My only complaints are the look and feel of the gui. I wish it was more similar the the native look of the host OS. And the anti-aliasing of the text that can't be disabled, the text gets hard to read all small sizes. And no mp3 support.
- create category / sub category
- delete album / category / sub category
- upload using file open/folder dialog
- log file
- moveable target
- description / keywords / sort added to create album dialog
- album setstings (public, show file names, allow comments, etc) added to create album dialog
- create category and sub category added to create album dialog
The download links in the original post have been updated.
I think it is now at the point where it is usable as your every day uploader. Please give it a try. I'd like to get some feedback. Please tell me what features it requires before you would use it as your primary uploader. Or any other opinions you have about it.
Hi I just tried it out with a few files in the interactive mode (I think
I'm no techie but I like how it works
Caroline - Follow me on G+
Can't wait to see future versions. Not sure if theres an API call for this but setting passwords for albums would be awesome.
I have already replied after I tried it once, used it again yesterday too
However, as a non-technical person
Caroline - Follow me on G+
You are on the mac, right? On the PC it hides to the system tray. The mac doesn't have a system tray, so I'm not sure where to hide it. I want it so the target just shows up on the dock, and then you can drop files onto the dock, but I haven't figured out how to do that yet. Hopefully I'll get a better system figured out soon.
Thanks for the reply, maybe some other mac user will pick up on this.
Caroline - Follow me on G+
aka scoodog
I would also like to add a vote for iPhoto support if possible, I tried dragging an album from iphoto onto the drop target for a laugh, but nothing happened - don't know how hard that would be to implement?
not to steal figbug's thunder here, but I am currently rewriting the MacUploader, so that it works properly and has a few features the previous version didn't. It should be available very soon.
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
David, awesome!! Many thanks in advance for doing this. Give me a hollar if you want someone to beta-test it for ya. I'd be happy to.
aka scoodog
Add me to the beta test list also
An option to automatically open your browser at the gallery/photo you've just uploaded when it's completed.
The old Send To Smugmug program does that, and I think it's the only feature that I'm missing from it at the moment.
The ability to apply passwords to new galleries would be a plus too, but I wouldn't consider that a make or break feature!
Other than that, a top notch little app!
I'll try and add both those features.
As for iPhoto support, while you can't drag an album, you should be able to go into the album, select all the thumbnails and drag them over. I'm not sure how to do better iPhoto support.
There's definitely promise, but still a ways to go to smooth things out.
Edit: oh, almost forgot. The last batch I sent the counter went to 200% before completing. Not sure what was up there. It would be nice to get a list of files submitted & the current status.
This would make it very easy to export images from Lightroom directly into SmugMug.
I'm a bit vexed by the Linux version. I untar'd the download on my xubuntu machine, but I can't seem to get it to run. I don't profess to be a Linux pro, so maybe I missed something.
Does it need to be untar'd to a specific location?
Are you getting any error messages? It should work fine on a 32-bit Linux with Intel/AMD processor.
Nope, untar it any where and double click on it. Or run it from the commandline ./KomodoDrop. If you want to be able to just type KomodoDrop to run it, but it somewhere in you path like /usr/bin
New features:
- An icon, so it looks more professional
- An installer on the pc
- On the mac, you can now drop files on the dock icon
- Accepts filenames to upload on the command line, shouldwork with lightrooms export
- Option to open web browser when upload completes
- Password and Password hint on new albums
- Upload queue to see status of files being uploaded
- Uses standard menu bar on the mac
- Better duplicate checking
I just tried Komodo Drop this morning.... what a great program! I did have a couple of issues though that I wanted to let you know about. The first one is, when "&" is used in the album name or description, the album name gets cut off at the "&". For example: I named a new album Ray & Dana's Wedding, but in SmugMug it came up as just Ray. Same thing for the description of the album.
The other thing is, queued 3 new albums to be uploaded and the percentage was showing on the target, then I was trying to get the menu to come up, so I right clicked on the target in the system tray (not realizing I needed to right click on the big target to get to the menu). This made the big target hide. I right clicked the little target again in the system tray and it pulled up the big target again, but now it said 0%. I looked at the queue status though and my files were still being uploaded. I just let it run and everything was uploaded successfully.
Not huge issues, just wanted to make you aware. Again, great program! Good job!