Mid Day Sun Help
I know, bad time to shoot, so I tried to fix this in PSE, any suggestions on making it better...??? The color version is pretty blown out... ETA: IF I put this in the wrong place, please move, just realized it may need to go to "Finishing School"... sorry, still learning!
Beautiful shot!!
Mid-day sun is definitely harsh-- I'm sure you know this but shade or a fill-flash is always helpful if you're shooting in the middle of the day.
Portland, Oregon Photographer Pete Springer
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Yeah, we were in an open field by the ocean, there wasn't a lick of shade! There are millions of dandilions around, I am sure we can do this again! I will try a profile next time, better idea! Thanks!
That close up meter the sky and flash the face?
Fill Flash in AV mode will do it
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
Really? Humm I didn't know that...thanks for the tip. I like the photo.
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Is the original available to play with?
GreyLeaf PhotoGraphy