Looking for a 2x Convertor for S3 IS

I am looking for a 2x optical convertor for my Canon S3IS. Can anyone advise me more on this one or something better.
I am looking for a 2x optical convertor for my Canon S3IS. Can anyone advise me more on this one or something better.
The S3 is a super-zoom, with an already long 400mm+ (equivalent) telephoto. Canon only recommends the 1.5x accessory telephoto lens, TC-DC58B. That gets you to around 650mm equivalent, which may not be very practical at that.
The TC-DC58N is also available that provides a 1.75x magnification.
Either would also require the Adapter LA-DC58B.
If you must have a 2x capability, Raynox makes a 2.2x converter that can be adapted to your camera, the DCR-2020Pro. I suspect that you would do better with the Canon TC-DC58B.
Moderator of the Cameras and Accessories forums
Problem is S3 IS comes with a decent 432mm zoom, but lately I have been trying my hand on wildlife photography and 432 at times doesnt solve the purpose. I tend to move on to the digital zoom with in turn craps up the image quality.
I was looking for something like 500-600, so i dont have to push the zoom to its max capacity.
Anyway I will take a look at what you have suggested and buy one.
Thanks a lot again
I know what you mean about wanting more reach, but don't make the mistake of using digital zoom. You are much better off using optical zoom only, then cropping the shot in post later to get the digital zoom effect. Photoshop will be better at this croppin than the camera.