uploading to smugmug with dial up
I would like to get a pro account with smugmug but I have dial up connection. Is it going to be impossible ( take forever) to upload images with large enough resolution for decent printing?
When you get to where you're goin' , take care of the horse you rode in on." Will Rogers:D
Impossible? No.
Unbearable? for me, it would be.
Photos are big. Even smashed compressed proofs,
are still not dial-up friendly.
Do you have Satellite as an option (assuming you have no Cable or DSL available to you)?
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Yes I am currently waiting for satellite to be set up. In a few days I should be set up. I finally got tired enough of dial up. That should help immensely !!
Thanks for your reply Andy.
Even on a high-speed cable connection, it can take between 2-4 minutes to upload a file from a Canon 5D (12.8 MP)-- at least for me. Just something to consider.
Portland, Oregon Photographer Pete Springer
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