Smug Mug Snail

Are the servers getting bogged down? I navigate effortelessly through the html pages that I built and are hosted on my own server, but once I get to a section thats being hosted on smugmug...put it this way...Im still waiting for the page to load.
Is anyone else experiencing really unusually slow behavior. Im on a 10mb line, so I know its not my end.
Smugmug hosted section is "Weddings"
Is anyone else experiencing really unusually slow behavior. Im on a 10mb line, so I know its not my end.
Smugmug hosted section is "Weddings"
Showit Designer
Spilled Milk Designs
Spilled Milk Designs
Spilled Milk Designs
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Dude...seriously....your avatar kind of freaked me out a bit....I was like.....did he just wink at me? Lmao....Im going to have to steal that idea!
Spilled Milk Designs
My experience, and I'm home sick so I been on it most of the day piddling?
Total site navigation and uploads have been HORRIBLE today, ALL DAY, it sits and grinds and grinds and grinds and grinds...
The rest of my navigation has been effortless around the net, so it's not net speed, or my ISP.
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I have been experiencing unusual behavior on my smugmug pages. So much so that I joined here so I could post.
It is slow, but intermitedly slow. One minute things will seem fine, the next it is sloooow. This is with BOTH uploading and browsing, but mostly browsing.
I also had a funky thing happen when I did a bulk caption edit. I saved my captions as always, then they were gone, then they were back. Strange stuff indeed!
Here is my site addy:
Thank you!
but I will let you know next time, if it does this again... thanks!
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I've been having difficulty getting to Smugmug sites today myself, my own and others. I waited for quite a few minutes just to move from gallery to gallery and picture to picture at some point this morning. At times it's very slow and other times it just moves along just fine. Cannot put my finger on it. I'm on Verizon FIOS network.
Last week I was out of town working over dial up and gave up on uploading pics to my Smugmug site. I had to use one of my other sites. Over the last few months friends of mine in Greece have had problems accessing my site so I use a different one for them too.
Wish I could pinpoint the problem more accurately but it's not easy.
My site:
I started a traceroute that our engineers will see. Seems there are problems with Verizon in your area
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Sorry I never posted my website. It is:
It isn't slow today.
but lately my smugmug site has been MUCH slower than it was 6 months or a year ago.
I click a gallery and it waits and waits to load, slowly navigates pages, etc. I save a setting and I get the popup saying it is saving and then I have to wait a few more seconds before it finishes. I hate to say the "good ol' days" but it does seem like smugmug is not the fast, efficient place it was when I first joined.
I know a lot of people use this for business and probably need the new features but for me it's just a clean way to share my family photos. but I hate paying for something that seems to be moving slower than the free sites with all the advertising!
thanks for letting me vent even though it's probably something I need to learn to live with!
Give us your site so we can run a diagnostic tool, okay?
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it's happening again this morning. I'm trying to browse thru one of my galleries and it keeps timing. I end up reloading my gallery and gettng better response but it's happened a couple of times now in the same gallery.