Server side copy
I know there are hacks for making copies out there but I was wondering why smugmug has not added a mass copy under photo tools? Mass move is there so it should not be too hard to create the new function.
I want to make a new gallery and copy only a subset of maybe 10 or 20 photos into it. right now I can do this only though a painful make 2nd copy then find the image and move it... or download a hack and hope it does what i need.
Will a user friendly mass copy be in the future?
I want to make a new gallery and copy only a subset of maybe 10 or 20 photos into it. right now I can do this only though a painful make 2nd copy then find the image and move it... or download a hack and hope it does what i need.
Will a user friendly mass copy be in the future?
I wish they would hurry up as not having the virtual galleries feature also messes up popular photo ranking. If you have two copies of one photo in two different galleries with photo rank turned on in both galleries, you can potentially get two copies of the one photo listed in your popular photos. This has happened to me so I've had to turn off photorank in some galleries to try to prevent this and then waste time be telling people they need to "thumbs up" the photo in the other gallery to get it ranked properly.
Virtual galleries would be cool. As long as it supported multiple watermarks for the same image.
Here is what I want to do, when a client buys a print of any size I want to be able to send them a link to a gallery containing the images they bought at large resolution without the watermark. Basicly buy a print get a download free.
If your virtual galleries would let me do that then YAY
In the past I personally wrote a virtual file system inside a database so yes I know the advantages of having things virtual. for one thing you can hide the files true filename and location. In the system I wrote I would serve off an image in various quality levels based on a membership level. Non members would see low quality images if viewing a basic members image. If viewing a premium members image the non member would see the high quality version. saved alot on bandwidth. I had a whole caching system set up too so I didnt have to generate images on the fly all the time... This all ran under linux, and although funding on the project was cut I still have the code and knowledge although I am rusty on my PHP a little now
But it costs for the unlimited version ... :nah
Look through my eyes on Cultural Surfaces! - customizing... currently in a state between limbo and chaos
Hey there... that utility copies files server-side... it automates the existing http requests to make a 2nd copy, then move that copy to the other gallery. That's how it's able to retain the server-side data, tags, etc. Hopefully, that is easier on your network connection.
Cool good to know thanks!
I agree!!! I have mentioned this before as well. Being able to put all the shots from my vacation in one REAL gallery, then create a virtual gallery of flowers and have the flower pictures from my vacation show up in that gallery would be perfect! Right now you have to hack things to do this using keyword galleries, and you can only do it as a Power user.
Virtual Galleries Please!