LP#7 - Attempts from Thailand

Just got back from Thailand to find this round theme. Got these two photos which fit the theme, but would appreciate feedback to see if I can improve them or should shoot something else. Thanks.
#1 - umbrella maker

#2 - umbrella maker

#3 - Joy Ride
#1 - umbrella maker

#2 - umbrella maker

#3 - Joy Ride

pyroPrints.com/5819572 The Photo Section
But I think a judge might ding you on #3 for DOF for the subjects not being separated enough from the background.
#1, IMO, is your contender. The smile on the man's face is infectious.
The only thing that worries me a bit, is the lack of "catchlight" in his eyes...and Old Tyme Photographer once told me to very careful of that, for he lost a few competitions/contests cuz the judges refer to that as "Dead Eye", but in this day and age...Thank goodness for PS cuz you can add that catchlight or enhance it...
Good Luck with whatever you choose..Nice Work!!
"A photograph is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you, the less you know." Diane Arbus
I'm not sure that it makes me feel joy (maybe because it's a wet Sunday afternoon), but I can certainly see joy in his face.
Canon: 5d Mk III, 5d Mk II, 50d, 50/1.2, 85/1.2, 35/1.4, 70-200/2.8 II, 17-40/4, 24-70/2.8, 100 2.8 macro
Laurie Bracewell Photography