"Add Photos" breaks when multiple galleries have same name...

I have several galleries with the same name, differentiated by the description, which contains the date. Specifically, I have a bunch of galleries named "San Diego Zoo" with a description containing the date of the visit.
Okay, now to the bugs:
1. With the new "Add Photos" button flyout, only one gallery called "San Diego Zoo" appears.
2. Even if they did all appear, how am I to know which is which without the description visible.
Clearly, this was not a case considered during the development of this feature.
Please give me back my one-click "add-photos" button.
Okay, now to the bugs:
1. With the new "Add Photos" button flyout, only one gallery called "San Diego Zoo" appears.
2. Even if they did all appear, how am I to know which is which without the description visible.
Clearly, this was not a case considered during the development of this feature.
Please give me back my one-click "add-photos" button.
Scott Walter Photography
I'll ask {JT} if the menu can be made to support your setup.
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Suppose I have to move a photo from one gallery to a gallery called landscapes under subcategory "Travel".
Suppose I have a gallery with the same name in a subcategory called "Favorites".
When I have to move, in the drop down menu I see two landscape galleries, with no way of knowing which is which. This is a serious problem, because under various subcategories you can have galleries with same name.
If the drop down menu instead of just showing gallery name showed something like
Category.SubCategory.GalleryName, it would be great.
Site :http://www.tanveer.in
Blog :http://tsk1979.livejournal.com
Not a big deal, but I feel that if it was fixed from within smugmug it would be great.
Site :http://www.tanveer.in
Blog :http://tsk1979.livejournal.com
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Look through my eyes on Cultural Surfaces! - customizing... currently in a state between limbo and chaos
Since I think folks in this thread are talking about the new Add Photos UI which shows you categories and sub-categories when picking a gallery, there's shouldn't be any problem with that new UI if you have identically named galleries in different categories or sub-categories. The original poster in this thread had identically named galleries in the same category - differing only in the description, not the name.
So your structure should be fine for the Add Photos UI.
There are other places in the UI where there are problems if you have same named gallery even in a different category. You can usually work around it, but it is a occasionally a pain. I have this lots of places because I have galleries named by the first name of a sports player and each sports season is a different sub-category so each time there's a team with the same player on it or even just a player with a name in common with a previous team, I end up with a gallery with the same name. The worst place in the UI is the Move Photos command which just gives you a flat list of all your galleries with no way to distinguish between galleries of the same name. Hopefully some day soon, they will replace that flat list with the new hierarchical picker now used for Add Photos.
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That makes me the third. And I was specifically worried about this moving operation which, as tsk1979 described and you confirm, presents a flat view with no clue as to which gallery lives in which category.
Exactly. I hope so too - a little consistency goes a long way.
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The original poster needs access to text from the description in the pick lists since that is all that uniquely identifies his galleries. My guess is that the original poster's problem is far less common than ours.
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Look through my eyes on Cultural Surfaces! - customizing... currently in a state between limbo and chaos
For my event photography, I typically use a structure like this:
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But would adding a short description make viewing any less easy? If these are all private galleries the point is moot, but otherwise adding a description can help for SEO by repeating important keywords. For instance: "Highlights of the 2007 Cobras Spring Soccer tournament" (etc.) You can always hide it from the gallery view. That would be just as optimized for viewing, but also SEO optimized.
Look through my eyes on Cultural Surfaces! - customizing... currently in a state between limbo and chaos
They are not public galleries (they are password protected), so there's no indexing involved. Adding descriptions is just extra work when I'm usually creating 15-30 galleries at a time (I do one gallery per player, plus several team galleries). If Smugmug showed descriptions in the flat gallery name list, I could do as you say as a work-around, but if they're going to change that code, I'd rather they just fix it right and add category/sub-category information so I don't need a work-around.
Even with proper context, the flat list is also a drag because I have >300 galleries all in one giant list. A hieararchical list is the way to go.
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