Video on SmugMug
I know the level of my GG-1 on Smugmug will allow Video. But how do I get it from my HD Camera to the site. I have Adobe PremierPro available but I am lost in the process.
I know the level of my GG-1 on Smugmug will allow Video. But how do I get it from my HD Camera to the site. I have Adobe PremierPro available but I am lost in the process.
welcome to dgrin - I hope you enjoy your stay here!
We have a help page on uploading videos - have a look here.
Does this help? If you still have any questions, we're happy to answer them.
SmugMug Support Hero
That help section is ibformative but what I haven't learned is how to get from camera to display. Stumbled over capturing then uh?
Mahalo Eric