"Closer, Just a Little Closer"

LGH in a natural spotlight shining through the branches at Brazos Bend State Park. This bird was "working" the edges of a patch of duck weed. It was a little high for a lunge and grab so it just dove in, snared its prey and returned to the log to wait for the next unwary snack to come along. 400MM @ f2.8 (I'll add shutter speed this evening) and another pix (all shade though [provided it isn not storming as it has for the last few days here] ). This shot @ 1/320
Here is the other shot - "Lip Smackin'Good" - tongue this side and tail fin hanging out the other - I think the LGH is positioning it to swallow

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Lake Macquarie NSW Australia
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I try to dress in colors (or camoflage) to suit (or at least not clash) with the environment I'm shooting in. I use Lens Coats to break up the outline of my lenses and even have slip on tripod leg covers in camo fabric to disrupt their outline. When I spot a bird, I use all available cover to mask my movement; but if there is none, then I slow way down and only move when the bird is not scoping out its environlemt. A soft-soled shoe will help, expecially when walking on a gravel pathway.
Next useful thing it so read up on the habits of the birds in your shooting locale. If you know how they will behave, then you can adjust your approach to avoid their interest... Key on the fact when they go into "food mode" (as this LGH was) they are totally absorbed in the hunt and will only be distracted by a sudden large movement or an out-of-environment noise. If the eppear to be looking at you, freeze and only resume movement when their attention is directed elshwhere.
Thanks for sharing,
Thomas Fuller.
SmugMug account.
Cobourg, Ontario, Canada
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How many photographers does it take to change a light bulb? 50. One to change the bulb, and forty-nine to say, "I could have done that better!"