Print Guarantee wording confusing?
The SmugMug Print Guarantee,, states that "SmugMug uses a professional lab renowned for their color accuracy and consistency, but they do not attempt to make adjustments to your photos.".
This may be true if the "true color" option has been selected but not, at least as far as I can see, if the "auto color" option has been selected, for printing. Since the "auto color" option may be selected by default, visitors may never be conscieously aware that automatic colour correction was done on their print order.
The guarantee's reference to " ... do not attempt to make adjustments to your photos ... " then seems misleading and confusing.
Am I missing something here? [It certainly wouldn't be the first time.]
This may be true if the "true color" option has been selected but not, at least as far as I can see, if the "auto color" option has been selected, for printing. Since the "auto color" option may be selected by default, visitors may never be conscieously aware that automatic colour correction was done on their print order.
The guarantee's reference to " ... do not attempt to make adjustments to your photos ... " then seems misleading and confusing.
Am I missing something here? [It certainly wouldn't be the first time.]
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This is on the list, I've noted the post, the request. I'm sorry we aren't moving as fast as you'd like on this. I'm not sure if we will change it, but we sure are discussing it.
I wish I had a better answer for you.
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New, simpler language on the guarantee
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here are examples of my pages (mimicing SM's)
Thanks for a wonderful service
No, Anthony, it's not possible, I'm sorry. We react to great suggestions, and we do them. This suggestion came on a Tuesday and went live on Thursday. I'm sorry but what you are asking for is unreasonable. Just update your HTML, what's the issue? The old guarantee still applies.
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What's funny, is that we can't seem to win
And we do inform. Didn't I just do that here? I'm lost, Anthony
If you need help updated your pages with SmugMug html, just holler, we'll be happy to help
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It hardly merits a sticky. Anthony, we make changes all the time to the site, and we publish them in our release notes. Granted, our release notes are lagged (expect Don to update that with all the stuff that's gone out in the past few months), but just subscribe to the rss feed there, no biggie
You are using a SmugMug page on your site. It is your responsibility to make sure your code is up to date. I posted at 2am about last night's changes. Dunno what else I can do to satisfy you, Anthony
EDIT: And you are not a pain in my neck
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