Has anyone tried lulu for photographic books?
I forget what post I was reading yesterday but I came accross someone recommending www.lulu.com for calendars.
While there I found out they do pretty cheap books. You can get a 36 color book for something like $9.93us before s&h. So I searched the website and read as much as I could, but didnt really find any examples of things they have printed.
Im going to email them and ask them if they offer hard cover books, if you can have pictures from page edge to edge, so you can have a landscape picture spread over 2 pages, if you can have a book that is portrait style, instead of portrait style, etc.
I just thought I would ask if anyone here has done the book option. I know lots of you have done the calendars.
Do the pictures look descent? I dont want my pictures to look like junk on it, I plan to mention in the book that all pictures in the book are available in prints as well. Could be a useful marketing tool. :0)
While there I found out they do pretty cheap books. You can get a 36 color book for something like $9.93us before s&h. So I searched the website and read as much as I could, but didnt really find any examples of things they have printed.
Im going to email them and ask them if they offer hard cover books, if you can have pictures from page edge to edge, so you can have a landscape picture spread over 2 pages, if you can have a book that is portrait style, instead of portrait style, etc.
I just thought I would ask if anyone here has done the book option. I know lots of you have done the calendars.
Do the pictures look descent? I dont want my pictures to look like junk on it, I plan to mention in the book that all pictures in the book are available in prints as well. Could be a useful marketing tool. :0)