People, around and about
Some people run from the camera and other pose like they were working for a magazine, people are sometines stress but mostly great fun
Mike, a great old guy, and after I was done taking his photograph, Mike winked at me...

Mike, a great old guy, and after I was done taking his photograph, Mike winked at me...

Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering. I sense much fear in you. -Yoda
Excellent pictures!
"...turtles are great speed enthusiasts, which is natural"
I don't at all agree that the first shot was underexposed; I feel that brigher exposure would have destroyed the play of light and shadow of the photo, an artistic decision that might have allowed more emphasis on the model's face- but at high cost. I love the composition of this shot with regard to shape and shadow, and I love the sense of colour captured in the photo.
The second model was even more interesting than the first, but I can see how technical challenges here threaten the artistic integrity of the photo, despite the creditable choice of Model and Moment. The light and shadow is interesting here too, but between shadow and spectacles, more has been lost with respect to the model's facial expression.
And I agree that the bokeh on the right hand side leaves much to be desired.
Still, I leave the photo intrigued, so I guess it could be said to have achieved its purpose, eh?