Keywords with Password Protected Account
In the past the keywords (tags) did not work for me since I protected my account globally with a password. I just noticed now that the keywords for newly uploaded pictures work. Not only for me (the owner) but also for guest hat have access via the password. Is this feature, keywords with password protected accounts, now officially supported? It would be cool if that's true.
Question tough. Only my newly uploaded pictures work, even though all pictures have keywords. Is there a way to make it work with my old pictures as well?
The same applies to search. If I remember right the search didn't work in the past for password protected accounts. Now it does for my newly added pictures, but not the old ones.
Question tough. Only my newly uploaded pictures work, even though all pictures have keywords. Is there a way to make it work with my old pictures as well?
The same applies to search. If I remember right the search didn't work in the past for password protected accounts. Now it does for my newly added pictures, but not the old ones.
Since the regulars seem surprisingly slow answering this (I'm of course joking here), let me just quickly point you to the help page of the new feature at and mention the fact that apparently toggling the setting in the control panel will trigger smugmug to index your older photos for this feature as well.
Anyhow, having the keywords in a password protected site is