hand straps

planning on upgrading to a 30D in the veryy near future and was wondering if since i'm not gonna have a vertical grip if a hand strap was a good idea? i've heard high praises about them but can i use them while using a tripod too? just so i don't have to take it off and reattach it? also if anyone has the link to the website for them that'd be helpful too.
Daniel Bauer
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Bought it from B&H Here:
I have the 30D with a battery grip and never use this strap. Although it was cheap it is a good thing in my opinion it is a waste of money with a battery grip. Also it has the threads for a tripod so you don't have to remove it when placing your camera on a tripod.
with that one can you still reach the batteries w/o taking it off?
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tristansphotography.com (motorsports)
Canon 20D | 10-22 | 17-85 IS | 50/1.4 | 70-300 IS | 100/2.8 macro
Sony F717 | Hoya R72
Yes, me too. I've had mine on both the 20d and 5d. You can use it with a neckstrap if you want and it has a tripod plate. Very secure.
Flash Frozen Photography, Inc.
I have a 10D, and I would not go without the Canon E1 Handstrap
when I mount the battery grip on it. It's just so much more comfortable
to hold the camera.
The Handstrap allows your fingers to relax while still holding the camera.
It is thin enough so you can put your hand on the handstrap
(as opposed to slip hand inside handstrap) providing better grip
than the plastik of the camera body (hand gets wet on plastik
which consequencly gets slippy).
I dont know which brand is best but I've been very happy with the
orginal Canon one. It served me in sports and concert photography
very well. I highly recommend you to get one for yourself.
― Edward Weston