retrieve viewer's single-image size preference?
How can I get this info? I want to redefine the links in a clickable slideshow to link to a specific image's single-image screen instead of the gallery, but I want to make sure I'm going to the right version of the image, size-wise.
Anyone? Bueller?!
In my allthumbs+slideshow hybrid, I allow the viewer to click on the slideshow image to go to the single-image view for that image. I do this by capturing the single-image URLs generated by the 'allthumbs' code (to which I do not have access) in an array and then using these as the href on the slide image.
But while they're in the single-image view, they can change their size preference for the single images. If they then use their 'back' button to get back to the thumbs+slide page, my links are not updated and their new size preference won't be honored the next time they click on a slide.
So I would like to be able to generate the appropriate URL for each slide image on the fly. I just need to know whether to use the -S, -M, -L, or -O suffix. I can get all the rest from the thumbnail links captured earlier.
What is the best way to do this? Obviously the allthumbs (and, presumably, the other gallery styles) can access this info when they generate the links for the images. How can I get at this, too?
Just occurred to me that this might be a cookie. Lo and behold! There's a cookie called 'DefaultSize'.
Look through my eyes on Cultural Surfaces! - customizing... currently in a state between limbo and chaos