Time Out

well it is time out for me. After posting here almost daily for a very long time I'm taking a 5 week break, but be prepared for a flood of images when I comeback.
Here is my itinerary if you can recognise it: Bonjour, Goeiendag, Goedemorgen, Guten Morgen, Dobré jitro, Dzien dobry, Dobré ráno, Grüß Gott, Guetä Morgä
Here is my itinerary if you can recognise it: Bonjour, Goeiendag, Goedemorgen, Guten Morgen, Dobré jitro, Dzien dobry, Dobré ráno, Grüß Gott, Guetä Morgä
You'll be missed, but I can't wait to see the results of your trip! I didn't catch all of those greetings, but from the ones I did, it should be a fantastic journey! All the best and happy clicking!
Comments and constructive critique always welcome!
Elaine Heasley Photography