Which Flash for V-Day

So for V-Day my g/f wants to get me something for my camera.
I've thought long and hard, and I want a flash.
I have a Sony 717
Which flash should I go with?
I've thought long and hard, and I want a flash.
I have a Sony 717
Which flash should I go with?

Wandering Through Life Photography
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Canon 30D | Canon 50mm f/1.8 | Tamron 28-75mm f/2.8 | Canon Speedlite 580ex
I've heard Sunpack and I've heard Sony for flashes...
Anyone with experience with these have any advice to offer?
Thanks again,
MM Portfolio
Canon 30D | Canon 50mm f/1.8 | Tamron 28-75mm f/2.8 | Canon Speedlite 580ex
I previously had experience with an aging Metz 32CT flash (and an even older Metz 45CT, but that one gives off way too high a currency for a modern camera) which gave both vertical tilt and horizontal swivel, and I like that feature a lot, esp. when doing a vertical shot, since you still get to use the ceiliing for your bounce if necessary. I also find the Metz flashes to have a good build quality. If you go to the Metz adapter site you'll find out what which adapter can do with your DSC-F717 combined to a certain Metz flash. As said, when you buy a good Metz flash now, you could later on just get the adapter for your DSLR of choice, and use the same flash, with full (TTL) functionality. You're not limited to Metz when it comes to this: also Promaster seems to have a system where you can use a Sony adapter, and prosumably change that for a different one in future as well. I don't have any experience with the Promaster flash range though.
Of Metz I know that the adapters alone are about the price of the Sunpak 383 though, so may be that ain't too bad even if it'll have your manually setting your flash to correspond to your camera settings. Also, do a search on DPreview's great STF forum for this topic, and you'll find tons of info by people having faced the same decision you're making now. Good luck!
I looked on the review done by DPReview and i found this.
What exactly is TTL in "n00b" terms and why do I want it?
MM Portfolio
Canon 30D | Canon 50mm f/1.8 | Tamron 28-75mm f/2.8 | Canon Speedlite 580ex
TTL = Through The Lens, which means that exposure is metered through the lens, which information is used to determine the needed flash intensity. Different manufacturers use different advanced techniques for this (see e.g. the Nikon FAQ. If the flash/camera combo does not provide TTL info, the flash uses a built in sensor that does the measuring.
I am pretty sure Andy had one for a while...
I just want to make the best choice!!!
Thanks again,
MM Portfolio
Canon 30D | Canon 50mm f/1.8 | Tamron 28-75mm f/2.8 | Canon Speedlite 580ex
I have to 717 and use the 383. It is a GREAT combo. I have gotten some really great results with my combo. There is a bit of a learning curve if you have not used an external flash before.
I would recommend the 383.
Speak with sweet words, for you never know when you may have to eat them....
sunpak 383 without a doubt probably the best value for your f717.
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any other ideas on where to get this? Also... anything I should get with it?
Will this allow me to trigger other flashes? or is this a whole other ball game?
most important... where can I get this soon? I would love to have it soon
Thanks again,
MM Portfolio
Canon 30D | Canon 50mm f/1.8 | Tamron 28-75mm f/2.8 | Canon Speedlite 580ex
MM Portfolio
Canon 30D | Canon 50mm f/1.8 | Tamron 28-75mm f/2.8 | Canon Speedlite 580ex
OH, and any thoughts on what DSLR you're leaning towards?