Licensing image for use in ad
I got a request to use 2 of my images (taken at a college football game in 2006) in a ALFA Insurance ads that will be used in the upcoming season in the UAB football programs, 5 home games, 5 programs.
I was thinking of asking for $100 for each image. Is this too low, just about right, too high. Not sure of the total # of programs printed, they are sold at the games and last year sold for $5.00 a program.
I was contacted by production manager from a communication company so this guy is used to doing this, whereas I am not. I looked at their ad last year, and it had a generic photo of youngsters playing football. They must be like 8 years old.
Any advise?
I was thinking of asking for $100 for each image. Is this too low, just about right, too high. Not sure of the total # of programs printed, they are sold at the games and last year sold for $5.00 a program.
I was contacted by production manager from a communication company so this guy is used to doing this, whereas I am not. I looked at their ad last year, and it had a generic photo of youngsters playing football. They must be like 8 years old.
Any advise?
"A photo is like a hamburger. You can get one from McDonalds for $1, one from Chili's for $5, or one from Ruth's Chris for $15. You usually get what you pay for, but don't expect a Ruth's Chris burger at a McDonalds price, if you want that, go cook it yourself." - me
My guess is that if you are getting an unsolisited request for a photo off your SM site - $25 is doing well.
Any other thoughts?
This is the reality of the new digital age. Millions of images and millions of shooters, makes stock stuff obsurdly low.
I get the impression that nobody likes it, but it is the reality of the situation.
I am glad I am not trying to run a stock house now.
Just reporting the news - not necessarily agreeing with it!