New Monitor = FAST CS2

Just installed the new monitor - unhooked the old and reconnected the new. The new, like the old, is connected using a DVI-to-DVI connection to the computer. No new software installed. Changed the resolution to 1600x1200 (the old only went to 1280x1024).
Actions in CS2 are wicked quick now! Some that would take a minute or more fly in a matter of seconds.
Actions in CS2 are wicked quick now! Some that would take a minute or more fly in a matter of seconds.
Think about it this way - you're at a concert watching the drummer. You see him crash the cymbols, but from your vantage point in the cheap seats it takes a while before you actually hear it. A monitor upgrade puts you in the front row. While you might get beat up in the mosh pit, you'll hear those drums just as you see them!
I'm kidding.