Missing photos.
I was looking back thru some galleries from the last year and got about 3 dozen photo not found. Anybody else having this issue. I now feel compelled to look thru all 185,000.
Edit: Ok, it looks as if only the thumbnails are missing. But why out of nowhere would that happen?
Edit: Ok, it looks as if only the thumbnails are missing. But why out of nowhere would that happen?
"A photo is like a hamburger. You can get one from McDonalds for $1, one from Chili's for $5, or one from Ruth's Chris for $15. You usually get what you pay for, but don't expect a Ruth's Chris burger at a McDonalds price, if you want that, go cook it yourself." - me
So I visit my site tonight and see this (broken header and footer):
I go to the gallery containing my theme images and try to view the header in original size and get this: (All other sizes are there and appear okay)
What's going on? I have not changed anything, but I double checked to see that I have originals turned on and external linking enabled.
I hope any visitors to my site do not see this.
Here's my "theme" gallery:
Any help?
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Thanks for the quick response. Glad to hear the team is on this.
PS. I cleared my cache, restarted FF and the header and footer images came back, but now one of my slideshow images is missing.
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
I am having the same problem. I host images in a private gallery for 2 other websites of mine. All my sites are having issues due to the pics not loading on smugmug.
Can you please link us to each gallery? Thanks.
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
Click on my link to my main webpage. I have a banner that is hosted on my smuggy acount that is not showing up. It is at the bottom of my main page.
I also had some images that I used on other websites. I was using the original as the link. I changed all the links to large and they worked. None of this makes any sence to me.
Your footer and header and homepage is working just fine for us (see attachment). Please delete all your temporary internet files in your browser, close and reopen your browser, then you should see all the images. Okay?
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