workflow related question

Kindly inform me if this was not the place for this post, I searched on the term Workflow and the answers returned did not address my questions below, also suggest other terms/forums if it has been answered add nauseam else where.
I need opinion on managing workflow as it relates to SmugMug. My experience is in local print versus .. well SmugMug. I ingest images, add meta data, cull, rotate, IPTC, keyword and you know the drill. So when I save out a derivative image for SmugMug ( I have read the piece about sRGB versus ProPhoto color space, which is where I go for the local print workflow ), what suggestions can anyone make for a transmissive derivative ( as opposed too the reflective one I generate for the Epson ) that I want to sell and the customer will not return.
Color correct for one ( profiled monitor/printer/paper ) then convert from that image from ProPhoto space to sRGB and tweak ( tech term, sorry about that ), and then buy one and have SmugMug send it to me.
I will do that just to show prospective clients SmugMug quality issues, if there are any.
Terence Dodge
Kindly inform me if this was not the place for this post, I searched on the term Workflow and the answers returned did not address my questions below, also suggest other terms/forums if it has been answered add nauseam else where.
I need opinion on managing workflow as it relates to SmugMug. My experience is in local print versus .. well SmugMug. I ingest images, add meta data, cull, rotate, IPTC, keyword and you know the drill. So when I save out a derivative image for SmugMug ( I have read the piece about sRGB versus ProPhoto color space, which is where I go for the local print workflow ), what suggestions can anyone make for a transmissive derivative ( as opposed too the reflective one I generate for the Epson ) that I want to sell and the customer will not return.
Color correct for one ( profiled monitor/printer/paper ) then convert from that image from ProPhoto space to sRGB and tweak ( tech term, sorry about that ), and then buy one and have SmugMug send it to me.
I will do that just to show prospective clients SmugMug quality issues, if there are any.
Terence Dodge
How about linking us to an image or two you are going to print, and I'll give you my opinion, okay?
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