Hi my name is Katlin. I am a new member to Digital Grin. I do not know alot about this website at all. But i am looking forward to learning to become a even better photographer. At this point i have fabulous photos but do not know how to upload them on this website. I heard that there was something like each week a new theme [people, landscape, curvy, ect.] Does that mean i have to add those kind of pictures that week? I would love suggestions... messages please? Thank you so much! Have a nice day!
:lust Katlin
:lust Katlin
"Each picture captures a unplaceable momment." I am thinking about being a photographer when i'm older. I practice alot and hope this website will help me grow to become a better photographer and help me learn more!
:lust Katlin
:lust Katlin
You can find information about the contest here:
Can't wait to see your stuff!
Thank you for that. I went there. Really new at this.
I still don't get the gist of it. Where do you enter photos and what kind photos do i enter?
Any advice is so much appreciated!!! Thank you!
:lust Katlin
Welcome to Dgrin!
You probably mean our weekly assignments. You can start with the lastest one and then catch up on the rest.
I am still looking how to make folders of my pictures. I am wanting to be able to view my profile with my pictures in folders... help is greatly appreciated!
Thank you!
:lust Katlin
welcome to dGrin. This is a photo discussion forum and we look forward to your future participation and contributions.
I think you're looking for a photo hosting site for compiling and displaying your photos and Smugmug is a great place. many of us here have sites at SM
feel free to use this coupon code for a discount: WYaQX1K7RGp3I
Moderator of: Location, Location, Location , Mind Your Own Business & Other Cool Shots
:lust Katlin
or do a google for photo hosting and tons of sites will appear......
another site I really like is USA101 but it seems some one hacked their servers and it has been down almost a month....don't know if they will revive .....
:lust Katlin
Welcome to dgrin. I'm sure you'll like it here. Lots of friendly, helpful people.
As Nikolai pointed out, the weekly assignments are a good way to learn.
You'll also want to take a look at dgrin's collection of HOW-TOs.
Here's a another tutorial site you might find interesting.
Looking forward to seeing more of your photos.
Have a good night
:lust Katlin