How Many Keeper Photos Do you get shooting music events?
I was out shooting today at a market (mainly acts and bands) and was shooting with a zoom lens. I would like to know how other people find shooting such events in terms of keeper photos and ones that are for the bin?
I was happy with many of my shots, but some looked to be focusing on the backgounrd, not the subject. Its probably down to the fact that the people are moving all the time while they are playing instruments, as well as shooting at open apartures like f4 at around the 140mm zoom - mind you my shutter speeds were right up around the 1/2000th mark.
Is this a normal part of event photograhpy? I come mainly from a background of landscape and architecture shots so there ain't much movement there! Any advice?
I was happy with many of my shots, but some looked to be focusing on the backgounrd, not the subject. Its probably down to the fact that the people are moving all the time while they are playing instruments, as well as shooting at open apartures like f4 at around the 140mm zoom - mind you my shutter speeds were right up around the 1/2000th mark.
Is this a normal part of event photograhpy? I come mainly from a background of landscape and architecture shots so there ain't much movement there! Any advice?
Comments & smugmug
No, it was around 1/2000th - So I was implying that it couldn't be shutter shake. at f4 on clear day at 200iso this shutter speed was attainable.
I am talking about the focus from sometimes the subject not being in focus to times when it is pin sharp.
it sounds like either you recomposed after focusing or the focus lock was on something other than the subject when you focused.
as to answer your question....i usually get mostly keepers when im shooting music out doors and the light is good. inside is a different story, especially if the stage lighting is really bad.