"Text Color" button present in basic, missing in advanced, post editor?
When editing an existing post, in the simple, basic view, there is a "text color" button.
This "text color" button seems to be missing once one switches to the more advanced view by clicking on the "go advanced" button. The "text color" button is also missing when creating a post.
Also, once one has clicked "go advanced" there doesn't seem to any way to
"go simple" short of restarting the edit.
Am I missing something?
This "text color" button seems to be missing once one switches to the more advanced view by clicking on the "go advanced" button. The "text color" button is also missing when creating a post.
Also, once one has clicked "go advanced" there doesn't seem to any way to
"go simple" short of restarting the edit.
Am I missing something?
Colors mess things up, due to the fact that we offer many different forum skins.
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While I'm not in favor of removing a color button, I would suggest that when one uses color to think about how it would look on a variety of backgrounds. (And to people who are color blind - red on black becomes black on black for quite a few people...). Color is good - but use it wisely and sparingly.
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Unfortunately, even without the color buttons, manually using bulletin board code still works.
Can you disable that, too?
GreyLeaf PhotoGraphy
Look through my eyes on Cultural Surfaces! - customizing... currently in a state between limbo and chaos
What we really need are additional logical text (colour) styles to replace the physical text colour styles. It is a shame though that one user display feature, skins, has essentially eliminated another, very powerful user display feature, colour.
Anyway, if you were now to check http://www.dgrin.com/showthread.php?p=578084#post578084 you would notice that I have removed the colours, in deference to those of you who do not use the default skin. Consider my knuckles to have been rapped!