Resolution question
I know I have seen it before (or maybe its just in my head) but I have been searching the help files (google really) for the actual sizes of the digital downloads.
I have a customer asking me what the size of the 1mp (x by y) is.
Can I say 1024x768? or 1280X960?
You help system is great most of the time. Here I am pulling my hair out trying to find the answer. I do not want to call up another customer and say hey remember that file you bought.. what was the pixel dimensions.
I have a customer asking me what the size of the 1mp (x by y) is.
Can I say 1024x768? or 1280X960?
You help system is great most of the time. Here I am pulling my hair out trying to find the answer. I do not want to call up another customer and say hey remember that file you bought.. what was the pixel dimensions.
I couldn't find this info in the help system either - I had to calculate it myself.
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Always include a link to your site when posting a question
Looks like I will make an embaressing phone call to a previous client to ask them the pixel values.
All you have to do is ask
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ok thanks andy here's an order number, 324815
I just need the number as an example so I can tell this lady what to expect.
Im not a big fan of emailing support as I am not always at my main computer
-Greg (on the laptop in the living room hah)
1226 x 817px are the dimensions of the files in that order.
I hope this helps!
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helps a ton.. thanks.
Oh sorry.. I use several computers but only have one set up to do MAPI mailing. My main system runs outlook. on the laptop I have outlook express, and I hardly use my wife's computer. So to email I need to goto my computer or remote connect in, etc.
Thanks again for your replies