Keywords no longer being picked up
I do all of my keywords in Lightroom and then export jpgs. The keywords are embedded in the IPTC. I can see them embedded into the exported jpg. Smugmug always just found them.
I uploaded some pictures last week and the keywords were found ok by Smugmug. However, today Smugmug can't find any. I even (re)uploaded some pictures that previously SM found keywords in but still failed.
Did something change?
I uploaded some pictures last week and the keywords were found ok by Smugmug. However, today Smugmug can't find any. I even (re)uploaded some pictures that previously SM found keywords in but still failed.
Did something change?
On further review:
I opened up a picture in SM. There is nothing next to the keywords. However, I click edit keywords, I see them all. I think hit saved but they are still not displayed.
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I checked this morning and everything got updated, as I would expect. I guess I was a little impatient. Does the keyword cloud update have a delayed process? I was a little confused when the keywords weren't updated after an hour after the images were uploaded.
Thanks for the followup!