So, what do you guys think?

Beat the judges, cast your thoughts:-)! :wink
Here's my top ten for LPS#7 (plus two honorable mentions)
Here's my top ten for LPS#7 (plus two honorable mentions)
"May the f/stop be with you!"
#36 - Must Have Been a Good One by mycaptures
#15 - Miss Wu Ling's Flight by HoofClix
#28 - Never Too Old For Bubbles by sherstone
#49 - The Joy of Victory by vt1122
#44 - Fountain Fun by eoren1
#35 - There Were Never Such Devoted Sisters by indiegirl
#43 - The Exuberance of Flight by PaulThomasMcKee
#54 - Unfair by nikos
#55 - Around the Sage Brush
#47 - At last! by photogmomma
#23 - Sweet Joy by espinozzi
#25 - Sand Angel by Elaine
#8 - Our Baby
#12 - It's Over
#17 - Forever Gone
#24 - Air Rocket
#36 - Must Have Been A Good One
#39 - Last Day At The Lake
#43 - The Exuberance of Flight
#44 - Fountain Fun
#48 - The Bird Has Flown
#54 - Unfair
Other great shots:
#15 - Ms Wu Ling's Flight
#30 - Our Little Pot Head
#32 - Alone
#49 - The Joy of Victory
#69 - Smile and the World Smiles With You
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In numerical order
RU - designates, Runner Up
Hahaha. We were doing a big room change-a-round and for the first time I wasn't glued to the computer, refreshing every minute to see the new entries.
Ok, here are mine in the order I like best from top left to right. The last two are my honorable mentions!
My favs
13 - Umbrella Maker (Pemmet)
17 - Forever Gone (Tlee)
20 - Beaming Delight (Swartzy)
26 - Remember (Janie)
32 - Alone (flybynight)
42 - Just One Tear (Strikeslip)
43 - The Exuberance of Flight! (Paul Thomas McKee)
44 - Fountain Fun (Eoren1)
48 - This Bird Has Flowmn (Nikolai)
65 - Brother's Love (Jkenzie)
plus a few others
6 (I wish the EPT box was included in the b/g, I showed the pic to someone and they thought it was "mascara")
14 ( love the creativity and the emotion expressed, but wish the reflection of the windows had been removed.)
#13 - pemmett - Umbrella Maker
#22 - JillG - A Letter
#24 - LiquidAir - Air Rocket
#26 - Janie - Remember
#29 - Zanotti - LPS Joy
#32 - flybynight - Alone
#43 - PaulThomasMcKee - The Exuberance of Flight
#44 - eoren1 - Fountain Fun
#49 - vt1122 - The Joy of Victory
#71 - Tricia - Pure Joy
Here they are in order of post:
#6 Joy Or Sorrow by f00sion
#22 A Letter by JillG
#28 Never Too Old For Bubbles by sherstone
#36 Must Have Been a Good One by mycaptures
#43 Exuberance of Flight by Paul Mckee
#44 Fountain Fun by eoren!
#48 This Bird Has Flown by nikolai
#49 The Joy of Victory by vt1122
#55 Around the Sagebrush by shatch
#62 Light of My Life by adpace
Just can't possibly put them in order, but I have to say that my favorite photograph(s) in the bunch isn't (aren't) one of those above, only that it (they) didn't express the theme, IMHO.
I am also perhaps not one who is naturally given to listening, so I must say that all of the conversations around all of the requests for critique were absolutely invigorating for me. It is amazing the diversity of talents and viewpoints that we all have, as exhibited not just by the posts, but by the wide range of opinions expressed in this very thread! For me especially, these contests are making me go way outside of my normal viewpoint. Let's hope we're all expanding the same way! / Personal Facebook / Facebook Page
and I do believe its true.. that there are roads left in both of our shoes..
6 - Joy Or Sorrow
7 - Singing in the Rain
12 - It's Over
24 - Air Rocket
30 - Our Little Pot Head
32 - Alone
42 - Just One Tear
43 - The Exuberance of Flight
64 - Will You Marry Me?
71 - Pure Joy
There were a couple other photos I liked a lot but, to me they just didn't fit the theme. I'm almost glad that round is over. Am I the only one that got few more grey hairs trying to come up with ideas???...
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"Challenge yourself! You will have days of discouragement and days of success, but the only way to fail, is to quit!" - Emily (Greensquared)
6. fOOsion-Joy or sorrow: Nicely done with good use of DOF. Congratulations ???
15. HoofClix-Miss Wu Ling's Flight: Love the motion. Feels sort of abstract. Pavement angle gives a sense of her running down a hill as well. Quite joyful.
24. LiquidAir-Air Rocket: Great capture of a wonderful expression of joy. Bonus for including photographic gear as the source of joy.
26. Janie-Remember: Very poignant and nicely set-up.
30. nelsonsuff-Our Little Pot Head: Perfect composition, exposure and set-up. Wonderful title!
35. indiegirl-There were never such devoted sisters: Really, really strong shot. Full of emotion. Very well done.
43. PaulThomasMcKee-The exuberance of flight: Great concept and execution. Bonus points for tellings us how you did it.
54. nikos-Unfair: Wonderful use of DOF and great timing. I'm dying to know the background to this story...
65. jkenzie-Brothers Love: Nice capture with good use of DOF. Colors and expression really pull this one out.
69. thebigsky-Smile and the world smiles with you. Great capture but the title really put the smile on my face.
Good work everyone.
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#48 - Nikolai - This Bird Has Flown: This one knocked my socks off the first time I saw it and I still love it (even though I preferred the first crop). The sharp black and white contrast reinforces the idea of sudden, irrevocable transition and the feeling of loss that often comes with it, even when we know that whatever happened is for the best.
#13 - pemmett - Umbrella Maker - Also loved this one the first time I saw it. The joy on the man's face is infectious. The color of his clothing along with the burnished browns of his aging skin add poignancy and having the umbrella frame in the picture adds context.
#49 - eoren - Fountain Fun - The twist in the little fellow's body screams joyful. This is much better in black iand white than it was in color.
#35 - indigirl - There Were Never Such Devoted Sisters - This makes it onto my list not because it conveys joy on the part of the little girls but because it gives me joy to look at it. One of the loveliest photos in this challenge.
#69 - thebigsky - Smile and the World Smiles With You - And smile I did!!
#9 - pyroPrints - Can I Have My Bone Back? - OK. I know that boxers look like this all the time, but this is an excellent capture of a really sorrowful look. I'd give him back his bone in an instant.
#17 - tlee - Forever Gone - Whether or not this was staged, the sorrow rings true to me.
#24 - LiquidAir - Air Rocket - I love the expression on the boy's face and those catch lights in his eyes make it for me.
#32 - flybynight - Alone - This one speaks to me, whether or not it was staged and even though it may not be so much sorrowful as sad. I love the Bar sign and the brick wall outside the window, the lighting, and simple composition.
#55 Shatch - Around the Sage Brush - A beautiful photograph that conveys joy in a quiet way.
OK. That's 10. But I have to say that I loved many many more. Congratulations to everyone who entered.
"A photograph is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you, the less you know." Diane Arbus
my faves in no particular order...
20 - Swartzy - Beaming Delight
37 - latoga - Sunset Glow
48 - Nikolai - This Bird Has Flown
78 - lynnesite - Sand Bath Bliss
42 - Strikeslip - Just One Tear
33 - s.shinjin - Life is so good!
76 - Tessa HD - life is good
21 - jeffa - The Bag
06 - f00sion - Joy or Sorrow?
44 - eoren1 - Fountain Fun
- #6: Joy or Sorrow? (great image that is interpreted different based upon each viewer's point of view)
- #13: Umbrella Maker (I love the tone and texture of this photo as well as the character in his face. I can see the story of a lifetime of hard work with each day enjoyed.)
- #17: Forever Gone (great use of depth of field to bring out the sorrow)
- #18: Remembered (again love the texture, great example of wide range of tones for black and white. I also love the fact that you can read joy or sorrow into the story of the image.)
- #22: A Letter (great story line in the image. Very similar to #5 but #5 seemed to set up. This seems more natural. I also love the dynamic range of lighting between the bright outside and dark inside)
- #32: Alone (great use of shadows. Again, multiple stories can be read into this based on each viewer's life experiences. I would have like to have seen this in color thought...seing neon in black and white doesn't quite seem right...)
- #37: Sunset Glow (Hey, even politicians are allowed to vote for themselves!
- #42: Just One Tear (Wow was all I said when I saw this! Great Macro work that also tells a story.)
- #54: Unfair (I've seen this expression a number of times after a good temper tantrum by my nephews. It's the redness of the eyes that make it work.)
- #62: The Light of My Life (look of pure joy and great use of vignetting to focus your attention and add character to the photo)
- #63: In Hinedsight (great ues of lighting to create a mood for the photo. Another image that lets the viewer's social prejuduces create the story.)
Great job by everyone putting in the work and time on this subject!---
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